May 22, 2013 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from April meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Enrollment Limits
    2. Compensation
    3. Sabbatical Leave


  1. Officers for 2013-14


President               Diane Jones

Vice-President          Jeff Ross

Secretary               Mike Mayfield

Treasurer               Ruby Payne

Bargaining Team     Diane Jones (Pres.)

Jeff Ross (VP)

Craig Johnson (term expires 2015)

Greg Golling (term expires 2015)

Mike Mayfield (term expires 2014)

Tony Thompson (term expires 2014)

Kanoe Bandy (term expires 2016)


  1. Board of Trustees Meeting


  1. CCA Conference Report


  1. Meeting with an Administrator


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of May 22, 2013


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:13 pm. She welcomed new Librarian Terri Smith to Taft College.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the April 24 meeting were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

Cash Balance

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that the current balance in the association account is $7820.57 before lunch. She also reminded the association scholarships this year are being paid from a credit we have on our account. No funds will be withdrawn for scholarships this year.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

Enrollment Limits

President Diane Jones reported that the process has been started on this item in TCFCBC. We are looking to memorialize what we are currently doing. A subcommittee consisting of Diane Jones, Greg Golling, Mark Williams and Jana Peters has been created to develop language and report back to TCFCBC. After current practice has been memorialized, any changes will go through TCFCBC.



President Diane Jones reported that the Governor’s May revise of the state budget was released on the 14th, and was discussed on the 16th in TCFCBC. The proposed budget includes a 1.57% COLA, which Superintendent/President Dena Maloney has stated she intends to pass on. The proposed budget includes some growth money as well. The legislature will probably have a finalized budget by June 15th, since they don’t get paid after that date if they don’t pass a budget. The bargaining group is also working on increasing the top adjunct rate as well. We will take up this issue in our August TCFCBC meeting.


Sabbatical Leave

President Diane Jones reported that this item was briefly discussed in the last TCFCBC meeting. A subcommittee was established consisting of Dena Maloney, Mark Williams, Diane Jones and Craig Johnson. They will work to combine Ed. Code and the document created by the Academic Senate to develop contract language and a procedure that will work for us.


Division Chair Duties

President Diane Jones reported that she hopes to get to the topic of Division Chair restructuring in the fall.


Taft College Faculty Association Accomplishments

President Diane Jones reminded the association that next year is the third year of our current three year contract. She presented a bullet point listing of accomplishments since our last contract. A copy of the list is attached to the official minutes.


Officers for 2013-2014

President Diane Jones presented the following list of officers and bargaining team members for 2013-2014:


President                  Diane Jones

Vice President            Jeff Ross

Secretary                  Mike Mayfield

Treasurer                  Ruby Payne

Bargaining Team            Diane Jones (Pres.)

Jeff Ross (VP)

Craig Johnson (term expires 2015)

Greg Golling (term expires 2015)

Mike Mayfield (term expires 2014)

Tony Thompson (term expires 2014)

Kanoe Bandy (term expires 2016)


Board of Trustees Meeting

President Diane Jones reported that she attended the closed session portion of the last Board of Trustees Meeting. She again discussed adjunct salaries. The Board members asked questions, and are still very pro-faculty. Vice President Jeff Ross stated that he thanked the student trustee in open session for faculty appreciation week.


CCA Conference Report

President Diane Jones reported that she and Treasurer Ruby Payne attended the CCA conference in San Diego in April. They are still waiting on refunds from CTA for the $300 registration fee, half of their hotel fees, mileage and some meals. If this refund comes through, they will each only need to be reimbursed approximately $280 of the $700 they were authorized for conference. They will report back to the association in August. Diane also reported that she met with Alan Frey, who is in better health, and learned that he will still be compiling the Frey Report. She also heard from a CTA lobbyist who described their efforts to maintain our STRS retirement benefit.


Meeting with an Administrator

President Diane Jones reminded the association that we are all entitled to take a representative to any meeting with an Administrator. We can even ask in the middle of a meeting to reschedule with representation. If needed, call Diane or any other Faculty Association Officer to accompany you.



Brian Jean reported that grant coordinators and interested parties met with Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams to discuss duties, responsibilities and a time line for refilling the Associate Dean of Instruction position. It looks like a first week of August application deadline with a mid August screening. Darcy Bogle announced that the one hour per week position of High School Concurrent Counselor will need to be filled when she assumes the duties of Interim Vice President of Student Services. Anyone interested please contact Darcy.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:39 pm.

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