October 14, 2024 Meeting


Monday, October 14, 2024

12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.


Call to Order: 

Public Commentary: 

Action Items

  1. Approval of September Minutes ACTION

New Business

  1. Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
    1. MATH 1530
    2. MATH 1570C
    3. MATH 2100C
  2. Review/Evaluate the new DL Approval Form Draft ACTION
  3. Review/Evaluate the new DL Offline Approval Form Draft ACTION

Discussion Items

  1. Atomic Search in Canvas DISCUSSION

Additional Agenda Items



Next Meeting: November 11, S-11, 12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.


Monday, October 14th, 2024

12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.

S -11

Call to Order: Farmer, 12:10 P.M.

Attendees: Amar Abbott, Geoffrey Dyer, Heather Cash, Jon Farmer, Jason Page, Krystal Allikas, Ken Smith, Joy Reynolds

Absent: Leslie Minor

Public Commentary/Guest: None

Approval of Minutes

  • September 16th, 2024, Minutes submitted by Heather Cash

No Corrections were noted, and the Minutes were approved by unanimous consent

New Business

  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. MATH 1530
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum with Notes: Abbott
      2. Second: Dyer
      3. Motion passed unanimously
      4. Committee Notes: the committee discusses if the course falls within the category: Pg4 question #3
        “Prior to this submission, the percentage of Distance Learning courses offered in the program was already over 50%.” Farmer notes he will reach out to the submitter to make the necessary adjustments on the form if needed.
    2. MATH 1570c & MATH 2100c
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Abbott
      2. Second: Smith
      3. Motion passed unanimously
      4. Committee Notes: the committee discusses if the course falls within the category: Pg4 question #3
        “Prior to this submission, the percentage of Distance Learning courses offered in the program was already over 50%.” Farmer notes he will reach out to the submitter to make the necessary adjustments on the form if needed.
  • Review/Evaluate the new DL Online Approval Form Draft
    1. Motion to forward to the Academic Senate for approval: Abbott
    2. Second: Smith
    3. Motion passed unanimously
    4. Committee Notes: Farmer shares with the committee two different draft options of the New DL Approval Form:
      • Original Draft: 9-16-24 from Committee
      • Chairs Draft: 9/18/2
    5. Farmer Asks the Committee to select the preferred option, and the committee selects:
  • Review/Evaluate the new DL Offline Approval Form Draft
    1. The committee decided to take no action.

Discussion Items

Reynolds suggests the option to activate the immersive reader tool in Canvas, and the committee agrees that it should be turned on.

Next Meeting and Adjournment

Farmer moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:55 P.M. The next meeting is on Monday, November 11th, 2024, in Room S-11 at 12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. This meeting was canceled.

Minutes: Submitted by Heather Cash

Next meeting: December 9th, 2024, in Room S-11 at 12:10 P.M.

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