March 11, 2024 Meeting


Monday, March 11, 2024

12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.


Call to Order: 

Public Commentary: 

Action Items

  1. Approval of February 12, 2024,  Minutes ACTION

Information Items

  1. SkillUp March 15-Website Design for Accessibility INFORMATION

Old Business


New Business

  1. AP 4105 Distance and Correspondence Education ACTION
  2. Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
    1. PSYC 1570 Introduction to Social Psychology
    2. ART 1650
    3. ART 1800
    4. ART 1820
    5. ART 2010
    6. DRAM 1510
    7. SPAN 1501 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
    8. BSAD 2220 Introduction to Financial Accounting
    9. BSAD 2221 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
    10. BUSN 2275 Business Law
    11. KINE Women in Sports (previously returned by DLEC in Oct 23)




Next Meeting: April 15th, 2024, 12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. S-11


Monday, March 11th, 2024

12:10 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.

S -11

Call to Order: Farmer, 12:11 P.M.

Attendees: Amar Abbott, Geoffrey Dyer, Heather Cash, Joy Reynolds, Wendy Berry, Krystal Allikas, Tabitha Raber, Becky Roth

Absent: Candace Duron, Leslie Minor, Jon Farmer, Jason Page

Public Commentary/Guest: None

Approval of Minutes

  • February 12, 2023, Minutes submitted by Heather Cash
  • Corrections were noted, Minutes approved - (with changes applied) by unanimous consent.

Information Items

  • DE Updates
    1. Cash shares with the committee information about future SkillUP: March 15th at 10 am in T14 on Accessibility for Web Design. Notes for Farmer to send out further details to faculty.

New Business

  • AP 4105 Distance and Correspondence Education Motion to return to Academic Senate President Candace Duron for the next step in the approval process, with notable modifications brought forth by Dyer and Reynolds including additional amendments noted during this meeting from the committee. : Dyer
    1. Second: Berry
    2. Motion passed unanimously
    3. Summary of Modifications and Notes:
      Reference to the updated 55005 added up top, which requires us to publish synchronous/in person requirements for DE classes, with language from the regulation added at bottom of procedure (Thanks Kelly); 2.previously suggested regular and substantive interaction language from updated 55204 moved further down in document, where the old language it replaced sat in last approved version; 3. Added “locally bargained” to Class Size section, per Joy’s comment; 4. Noted that most TC DE courses use alternative attendance accounting procedure, not WSCH or positive daily attendance, and that new attendance accounting procedure is coming through BoG—we should wait a month to update language in FTE Computation . . . section; 5. Added citation and language from title 5 § 55200 (c) to Access for Disabled section; 6. Replaced all references to “regular and effective contact” with “regular and substantive interaction” to mirror updated regulations and national nomenclature; 7. Updated contact section on 55204 to mirror updated regulatory language. 8. “class schedule” replaced with “distance education homepage” in Definitions section where assistance is mentioned; 9. DLEC added to separate course review section 10. Note added to “Physical proctoring centers for exam delivery” pointing out need to add current practice.
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. PSYC 1570 – Introduction to Social Psychology
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Abbott
      2. Second: Cash
      3. Motion passed unanimously
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. ART 1650, 1800, 1820, 2010
      1. Motion request for further clarification from Instructor with provided notes: Abbott
      2. Second: Berry
      3. Motion passed with all members voting in favor except for Dyer who abstained.
      4. Notes for ART 1650, 1800, 1820, 2010 : Clarification is needed regarding “Offline format” definition verses online – #4 on page 2 on the Taft College Distance Learning Approval Form. Additional request for Substance Change need.
      5. Additional Notes for ART 1800: Clarification on students accessing required software: Adobe Illustrator
      6. Additional Notes for ART 2010: Clarification on students accessing print making supplies
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. DRAM 1510 – Introduction to Theatre
      1. Motion to forward to Curriculum: Abbott
      2. Second: Page
      3. Motion passed unanimously
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. SPAN 1501, BSAD 2220, BSAD 2221, BUSN 2275
      1. Motion to table until next meeting: Abbott
      2. Second: Roth
      3. Motion passed unanimously

Next Meeting and Adjournment

Reynolds moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:00 P.M. Next meeting on Monday, April 8th, 2024, in Room S-11 at 12:10 P.M.

Additional Documents