April 08, 2024 Meeting


Monday, April 8, 2024

12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.


Call to Order:

Public Commentary:

Action Items

  1. Approval of March 11, 2024, Minutes ACTION
  2. Approval of March 18, 2024, Minutes ACTION

Information Items

  1. SkillUp Canvas Design Tool INFORMATION

Old Business


New Business

  1. Distance Learning Approval Forms ACTION
    1. KINE Women in Sports (previously returned by DLEC in Oct 23)
    2. SPAN 1501 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
    3. BSAD 2220 Introduction to Financial Accounting
    4. BSAD 2221 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
    5. BUSN 2275 Business Law
    6. ART 1650
    7. ART 1800
    8. ART 1820
    9. ART 2010
    10. ART 1500
    11. ART 1625
    12. ART 1640
    13. BUSN 1500
    14. COMM 1507
    15. COMM 1511
    16. HIST 2212
    17. HUM 1500
    18. MUSC 1510
  2. Taft College DLEC Procedures Document ACTION




Next Meeting: Monday, May 13, 2024, 12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M., S-11


Monday, April 8, 2024

12:10 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.


Call to Order: Farmer, 12:15 P.M.

Attendees: Leslie Minor, Jon Farmer, Amar Abbott, Joy Reynolds, Jason Page, Wendy Berry, Geoffrey Dyer, Krystal Allikas, Becky Roth.

Absent: Candace Duron

Public Commentary/Guest: None

Approval of Minutes

  • March 11, 2024, Minutes submitted by Jon Farmer.
    • Corrections were noted: Jason Page was present, item d. SPAN 1501, BSAD 2220, BSAD 2221, BUSN 2275 “Motion to table” should read “Motion to postpone indefinitely.” Minutes approved unanimously.
  • March 18, 2024, Minutes submitted by Jon Farmer. No Corrections. Minutes approved unanimously.

Information items

Farmer shares with the committee the upcoming SkillUP: Canvas Design Tool for April 12, 2024 at 10:00 A.M.

New Business

  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. Dyer motions to combine the following as one item: KINE Women in Sports, SPAN1501, BSAD 2220, BSAD 2221, BUSN 2275, BUSN 1500, COMM 1507, COMM 1511, HUM 1500, MUSC 1510.
    2. Second: Reynolds
    3. Motion passes unanimously.
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. KINE Women in Sports, SPAN 1501, BSAD 2220, BSAD 2221, BUSN 2275, BUSN 1500, COMM 1507, COMM 1511, HUM 1500, MUSC 1510.
      1. Dyer motions to approve
      2. Second: Abbott
      3. Motion passes unanimously.
      4. Summary of modifications and notes:
        KINE - Reynolds noted grammar issue in COR and HUM 1500 – correct instructor name and date. SPAN 1501 – mentions 1601 learning materials. BSAD 2220 and 2221, BUSN 2275 - doesn’t explain offline options, though COR mentions options that are viable for offline.
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. ART 1500
      1. Roth motions to send back and request clarification from instructor with provided notes.
      2. Second: Abbott
      3. Motion passes unanimously.
      4. Notes for ART 1500:
        Updated form. Clarification on equipment check-out. Is this needed when the class is offered online? If equipment is needed, ow do the students receive the equipment?
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. ART 1650, ART 1800, ART 1820, ART 2010.
      1. Dyer motions to approve.
      2. Second: Reynolds
      3. Motion approved unanimously.
      4. Summary of modifications and notes:
        ART 1800 – Reynolds suggests Adobe illustrator be listed in the COR.
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. ART 1625
      1. Berry motions to send back and request clarification from the instructor with the provided notes.
      2. Second: Dyer
      3. Reynold dissents, everyone else approved.
      4. Abbott motions to postpone until there is research and clarification on “extensive laboratory” verbiage.
      5. Second: Reynolds
      6. Motion to postpone approved.
      7. Notes for ART 1625:
        Need to research and define“Extensive Laboratories.”
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. ART 1640
      1. Roth motions to postpone until there is research and clarification on “extensive laboratory” verbiage.
      2. Second: Abbott
      3. Motion to postpone approved unanimously.
      4. Notes for ART 1625:
        Need to research and define “Extensive Laboratories.”
  • Distance Learning Approval Forms
    1. HIST 2212
      1. Abbott motions to send back for clarification.
      2. Second: Reynolds
      3. Motion approved unanimously.
      4. Summary of modifications and notes:
        Updated form incorrect date. Information on in-class presentations. Abbott requests clarification on in-class activities and writing with information on class presentations.
  • Taft College DLEC Procedures Document
    1. Reynolds moves to postpone it indefinitely.
    2. Second: Roth
    3. Motion approved unanimously.

Adjournment and Next Meeting

Farmer moved to adjourn the meeting at: 1:01 P.M. Next meeting to be announced.

Additional Documents