Curriculum and General Education Committee

Taft College is committed to creating a community of learners by enriching the lives of all students we serve through Career Technical Education, transfer programs, foundational programs, and student support services. Taft College provides an equitable learning environment defined by applied knowledge leading to students’ achievement of their educational goals.

In supporting the mission of Taft College, the Curriculum and General Education Committee is charged with overseeing the academic quality and content of the curriculum.  To fulfill this assignment, the committee will initiate specific strategies to promote academic breadth, depth and integrity, and to facilitate innovation in the programs offered to students.

Role of the Curriculum and General Education Committee:

The Curriculum and General Education Committee, a standing committee of the Academic Senate and Taft College, makes recommendations to the West Kern Community College District Board regarding:

  • New credit and non-credit courses and programs
  • Modifications to existing credit and noncredit courses and programs
  • Graduation requirements including general education requirements

The Curriculum and General Education Committee charge also includes these academic and professional matters as identified in Education Code 53200(c):

  • Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites, co-requisites, and advisories and placing courses within disciplines
  • Degree and certificate requirements
  • Perfected education program development
  • Distance Education
  • Standards on student preparation


  1. Review and evaluate proposals to initiate or change courses and programs;
  2. Assure that curriculum is well developed, clear and complete, and that its supporting documents adequately supplement the proposal;
  3. Make recommendations to assist individuals to strengthen their course or program proposals;
  4. Evaluate the impact of a curriculum proposal on the resources and other curricula of the college;
  5. Provide guidelines and criteria for the development of new courses and programs;
  6. Review and revise procedures associated with curriculum development;
  7. Encourage and facilitate innovation in the curriculum;
  8. Assure that assessment is built into the curriculum proposal;
  9. Ensure student learning outcomes align with program and institutional outcomes;
  10. Assure that the curriculum offered is complementary and integrated; and
  11. Vice President of Instruction sends recommendations to the Board of Trustees upon passage of curriculum items.


The Curriculum and General Education Committee consists of

  • Vice President of Instruction-non-voting
  • Vice President of the Academic Senate

The following shall be voting members of the Curriculum committee:

  • Division Chairs (6) or designee
  • Councsling Representative
  • Articulation Officer
  • Director of Admissions and Records or designee
  • Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator or designee

The following shall be non-voting members of the Curriculum committee:

  • Vice President of Student Services
  • Associate Students Body Representative & PTK Representative
  • Executive Assistant - Instruction
  • Director of Distance Education
  • Dean of Instruction and CTE
  • Instructional Technician- Curriculum (Ex-Officio member)

Total: 19


Quorum is based on 50% + 1 of voting membership.

It is the responsibility of each member of the Curriculum and General Education Committee to attend each meeting and adhere to the College Code of Conduct.

Current Members

Position Name email Phone
Co-Chair Leslie Minor [email protected] (661)-763-7871
Co-Chair Vicki Jacobi [email protected] (661)763-7719
Ex-officio Member Jason Norris [email protected] (661)763-7981
Voting Member Adam Bledsoe [email protected] (661)763-7781
Voting Member Bill Devine [email protected] (661)763-7883
Voting Member Juana Rangel-Escobedo [email protected] (661)763-7898
Voting Member Kanoe Bandy [email protected] (661)763-7779
Voting Member Mike Mayfield [email protected] (661)763-7759
Voting Member Tina Mendoza [email protected] (661)763-7860
Voting Member Tiffany Payne [email protected] (661)763-7870
Non-voting Member Danielle Garza [email protected] (661)763-7966
Non-voting Member Jon Farmer [email protected] (661)763-7945

Agendas, Minutes, and Documents

Last 3 updates

Date Title
02/21/2025 Feb 21, 2025 Agenda & Minutes