February 03, 2022 Meeting


  1. General business/housekeeping
  2. Safety Walks
    1. Discuss form for documenting observations
    2. Discuss how to go about performing safety walks
  3. Other business as needed


Meeting held via Zoom

Members Present: Kevin Altenhofel, Myisha Cutrona, Heather del Rosario, Angelissa Garza, Mark Gibson, Gustavo Gonzalez, Abbas Jarrahian, David Reynolds 

Members Absent: Angelo Cutrona, Li Xiaohong, Robin Polski, Richard Treece, Bill Norris 

Recorder: Kevin Altenhofel 


  • Meeting was called to order at 11:05 am 
  • Discussion about location of Committee documents in Microsoft Teams 
  • Heather mentioned we cannot begin safety walks this meeting as planned due to temporary Covid restrictions 
  • Kevin created a draft document for upcoming safety walks which Mark Gibson shared. The rest of the meeting was spent editing and revising the document 
  • Discussion of either telling employees we were going to be visiting an area vs. arriving unannounced.  
  • Arriving unannounced — Heather said this is the only way to ensure we are seeing things as they are. People will clean up/cover up areas if they know we are coming. 
  • Discussion that this was a living document that will be updated after we begin safety walks 
  • Discussion about other safety activities that occur on campus, such as Keenan walking through campus yearly, M&O regularly scheduled PMs. 
  • Discussion regarding anonymously reporting safety items. Kevin said he could edit the Safety Gram form (online form) to allow anonymous entry/submission. 
  • Discussion about lighting on campus and how that is reported (via evening security officers) 
  • Discussion about how to track the work the committee does via work orders submitted because of Safety Committee TCSR (Taft College Service Requests) submissions. 
  • Adjourned at 11:57 am 

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