March 27, 2020 Meeting


March 27, 2020
9:00 -10:00


Attention: All Meetings Will Be Recorded




  1. Software Demonstration, CommonLook ( 30-40min )
  • Approval of minutes (Amar)
  1. Discussion about CommonLook
  2. SensusAccess software (Amar)
  3. Charter (If Time Allows) (Amar)
  • Guided Pathways (Amar)
  • Meeting Adjourned

Date of next meeting: April 24, 2020


Accessibility (508) Oversight Committee


March 27th, 2020

9:00 -10:00


Attendees: Jason Zsiba, Terri Smith, Nicole Avina, Vicky Jacobi, Adam Bledsoe, Andy Prestage and Amar Abbott


 I.            Introductions

All the attendees listed above introduced themselves to the committee formally.

II.            Approval of minutes

February minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

III.            CommonLook software Demonstration/ Discussion

CommonLooks senior accessibility consultant Andy Baum and Paul Raylus, accessibility expert, set up the demonstration of CommonLooks software. Paul walked us through all the features of CommonLooks authoring tool that can convert PDFs, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint presentations to assessable documents for online and distance education environments.

Andy also stated that he would send out three quotes for his product and set up another webinar showcasing a different aspect of the authoring tool of CommonLooks software products; this presentation will occur on April 24th.


After the 40-minute demonstration Of CommonLook software, the committee had a lengthy discussion on the pros and cons of the software demonstration; everyone agreed that the software would help faculty and staff. Nicole asked how this software would be rolled out to the campus community. Amar answered, and stated that the logistics of implementing the software had not been thought out, he emphasized that this was an exploratory observation of CommonLook products. If this were a product that was going to be procured by the district, and an implementation plan would be created.

Nicole also asked, what’s the difference between the two software (SensusAccess and CommonLook)? Amar answered that SensusAccess software was to help students with just in time converting, for example, library journal articles and educational materials that faculty haven’t made assessable. CommonLook software was to be used for faculty and staff to convert their educational materials before publishing to the online environment. Adam summarized that software as CommonLook was a proactive software and SensusAccess software was reactive, the committee agreed with his assessment. Unfortunately, the discussion took the rest of our time, so no further items were discussed on the agenda. So, the meeting was adjourned at 10 a.m.