December 30, 2018 Meeting




Accessibility (508) Oversight Committee Minutes for

 Friday November 30, 2018


Attendees: Jason Zsiba, Adam Bledsoe, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, , Terri Smith, Richard Hudson, Vicki Jacobi, Andrew Prestage, Sylvia Reyes, Amar Abbott

Meeting call to adjourn at 9:07am by Amar Abbott 1st motioned to approve previous minutes by Amar Abbott, 2nd motioned to approve by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes.


  1. Update on Site Improve software: Amar will have it approved by Severo who will push it through by Dec. 12th, 2018 for the Board Meeting if not done by Dec. 12th then it will be done for January’ Board Meeting. The software will implemented to be used in 2019.
    1. Kelly asked if Amar could put a place holder on what needs to be on the Board documents and say “ This is what needs the be put on”
    2. Vicki said
  2. Final Charter review/ and approval
    1. Kelly’s “universally designed” was changed to Frameworks.
    2. Change Jason’s title to Web developer.
    3. Amar Abbott 1st motioned approved Terri 2nd.
  3. Review of BP & AP 5145
    1. Kelly asked about Section Roman # II, “is there a reason as to why there’s a particular? If it’s for all students with disabilities they are covered by Section 508. Why is it necessary? […] Why is it necessary to call those two groups out?
    2. Amar said that he put those groups to emphasize those groups are covered but he suggested that it can be taken out.
    3. Kelly asked do we have problem meeting these students need
    4. Amar said there was one student who was visually impaired who was taking a statistic course and to meet that students needs it was very time intensive and wanted to have faculty be aware of this.
    5. Kelly suggested than if there’s a purpose then it should be there keep that section there.
      Andrew talked about access to print materials formats it says books on tapes and it needs to be changed to Ebooks.
    6. Terri talked about the differences between Ebook and books on tape, Ebook is something you read and it’s electronic whereas an audio book you listen to it she suggested that tapes are not viable. Change books on tape to Audiobook.
    7. Andrew suggested on page 4 out of 5 there’s intranet or internet “Internet” needs to be capitalized
    8. Terri said new trend is it’s not capitalized.
    9. Vicki said on page 2 community members who are they? What is that referring too.
    10. Amar said if we have an event and invite members of the community and they need things in different format than they are able to request it in different format.
    11. Vicki said she would reword it.
    12. Kelly suggested that we should have this on flyers so everyone knows there’s materials that can be requested if a community member has a disability.
    13. Kelly said on the Non-caption part to add #6 or paragraph for closed- captioning.
    14. Adam’s title needs to be changed from coordinator to Distance Education Director.
    15. Amar would like to look at policies at least once a year to update and make corrections as technology advances.
    16. Amar will check during in-service week with everyone to see what time works best for everyone if meeting time needs to be changed.
    17. Action will be taken in January.
  4. Cloud Version of Adobe suite/ Adobe professional
    1. Andrew said Cloud Version is very complex software and the cost is $10,030, Adobe professional the site licensing is $1,700
    2. Motioned to purchase site licensing for Adobe professional Kelly 1st motion approved Vicki 2nd motion Jason.
    3. SharePoint storage for DE
    4. Andrew suggested us using this to create TEAMS to share information where the team can work process together.
    5. Jason said that what’s neat about shared point is you can adjust access to files in regards of who has access and how long they have access to.
    6. Amar said one of the issues that needs to be considered is functionality and the easiness of faculty to get to it.
    7. Kelly suggested during in-service week could there be a schedule training for faculty/staff to get trained to use these tools.
    8. Vicki said she thought there was still room to make changes to the In-Service schedule.
      Adam said there’s only 1 hour in the training DE get during In Service.
    9. Vicki suggested suing Shared point to share COR, syllabi and SLO’s for adjunct and doing it by department or by discipline.
    10. Andrew suggested to use this committee as a test site group and share the progress.
      Amar asked what parameters everyone will be using to test shared point, desktop or mobile devices.
  5. Others
    1. Bring your own device management solution.
  6. Meeting Adjourned at 9:54am

Next meeting will be in January 25th, 2019.