March 18, 2020 Meeting




12:00PM TO 1:00PM


Moved to: Cougar Room


Call to Order


Public Commentary Action Items

Approval of the Minutes

1.      Approval February 19, 2020 Minutes (3 minutes)                                                                                                ACTION


Informational Items:

  1. Taft College COVID-19 Response Plans and Actions INFORMATION

Plans for continuation of instruction and student services have been shared.  Administration, staff, and faculty were involved in creation of the plans.  Movement of courses to online instructional delivery is underway.  Some student services activities are available using online access.  Options for other services are under investigation.  The ASCCC, CCCCO ae working to provide options and guidance system-wide.  Universities and colleges are sharing services, resources, and expertise through a network of professional connections.  Information will continue to be shared college-wide as decisions are made and processes are finalized.


  1. Governance Council Update INFORMATION

GC considering changing the timeline for program reviews from annual to some longer time cycle.  Discussion has included possibilities of: remain annual, 3-years, 5-years. 3-years with interim reports for progress on PR goals, 5-years with interim reports for progress on PR goals. Dr. Daniels will bring examples of different types of processes to the next meeting.

  1. Strategic Planning Committee Update INFORMATION

SPC reviewing forms, process, and timeline for reporting on impact of budget/resource allocations resulting from APR goal form requests. SPC was also tasked to analyze current APR and goal form requests for trends and themes.  Overall results to be shared with GC, committees will receive information based on committee purpose and charters.

  1. Academic Development Committee Update INFORMATION

ADC has requested data from IR to get an early look at the preliminary impacts of AB 705 on course success rates and retention.  The information will be shared with the Access and Success committees.


Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Guided Pathways Progress, Institutionalization, and Academic Senate DISCUSSION

Activities begun under the Guided Pathways plans submitted by Taft College, with support from the Academic Senate, require institutionalization.

Discussion: What do members of the Academic Senate Council, Academic Senate, and Academic Senate committees need to have, see, hear, learn, and/or do to determine our responsibilities in moving Guided Pathways towards institutionalization?

What actions should be taken?

Eventual Action requested: Development of recommendation(s) to Senate of the Whole for actions to institutionalize Guided Pathways activities.

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. ACCJC Annual Report ACTION

Annual report to ACCJC on specific institutional health indicators.

Action requested: Forward to Academic Senate with recommendation for approval.

  1. Dual Enrollment Course Offerings for AY 2020-2021 ACTION

The Dual Enrollment Committee recommends courses to be offered as dual enrollment for Taft Union High School students.  The recommended courses are:

Fall 2020        
Course Class Size Limit Units Instructor Load Required


Instruction Hours

Online PSYC 1500 35 3.0 3.0 48
ENGL 1500 25 3.0 3.0 48
ENGL 1500 25 3.0 3.0 48
Spring 2021        
Course Class Size Limit Units Instructor Load Required


Instruction Hours

COMM 1511 30 3.0 3.0 48
ENGL 1600 30 4.0 4.0 64
ENGL 1600 30 4.0 4.0 64
BIOL 1510 24 4.0 6.0 96


Action requested: Forward to Academic Senate with recommendation for approval.

Discussion Items

  1. Upcoming Items INFORMATION
    1. Committee Membership – having enough representatives to be effective or at least meet the charter numbers (i.e. 3 identified faculty positions, 1 person with 3 hats)
    2. Meeting Committee Responsibilities in relation to 10+1 – effectiveness and member knowledge?


