Occupational Safety and Health Basic Employee Safety in General Industry Certificate (Locally Approved Certificate)


The Occupational Safety and Health Basic Employee Safety in General Industry Certificate Program is designed to provide students with skills and foundation knowledge in instrumentation, electronics, and programmable logic controllers necessary to pursue further education and/or seek entry level employment as technicians.

The Occupational Safety and Health Program offers an Associate in Science degree and two Certificates. They are listed with links, below, in the For More Information section.

Earnings Potential

An associate degree in Occupational Safety and Health offers you the salary potential of $51,113 two years after graduation from Taft College, with expected increases to $96,978 by five years, based on five-year studies of graduates by California Community Colleges. These do not reflect salaries with a four-year degree.1

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for 2021, the median annual wage for occupational health and safety specialists was $77,560, and $51,120 for occupational health and safety technicians. They project overall employment of these positions to grow five percent from 2021 to 2031. In California, according to the BLS, the median annual wage for general and operations managers was $113.080.2

1 California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Salary Surfer. 2021. https://salarysurfer.cccco.edu. Accessed 19 April 2023.

2 “Occupational Outlook Handbook.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 8 Sept. 2022. www.bls.gov/ooh. Accessed 19 April 2023.

Program Requirements

Occupational Safety and Health Basic Employee Safety in General Industry Certificate (Locally Approved) course requirements link. Please note: This link and all those in the table, below, go to the Taft College Catalog, an external website. Plan to return to the Taft College website.

Required Courses

Course Number   Title Credit(s)
OSH 1100 Basic Employee Safety for General Industry 0.25
OSH 1107 Medic First Aid Training/CPR 0.25
OSH 1500 Occupational Safety and Health Compliance 3.00
    Total Credit Hours: 3.50