Chapter 6: Business & Fiscal Services


Policy Title
BP 6100 (PDF) Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs
BP 6150 (PDF) Designation of Authorized Signatures
BP 6200 (PDF) Budget Preparation
BP 6250 (PDF) Budget Management
BP 6300 (PDF) Fiscal Management
BP 6307 (PDF) Debt Issuance and Management
BP 6320 (PDF) Investments
BP 6324 (PDF) Disclosure Policy for Public Debt Obligations
BP 6330 (PDF) Purchasing
BP 6335 (PDF) District Credit Cards
BP 6340 (PDF) Bids and Contracts
BP 6350 (PDF) Foundation and Fundraising
BP 6400 (PDF) Financial Audits
BP 6450 (PDF) Wireless or Cellular Telephone Use
BP 6500 (PDF) Property Management
BP 6520 (PDF) Security for District Property
BP 6540 (PDF) Insurance
BP 6550 (PDF) Disposal of Property
BP 6600 (PDF) Capital Construction
BP 6601 (PDF) Change Orders - Capital Construction
BP 6620 (PDF) Naming of District Facilities and Properties
BP 6700 (PDF) Civic Center and Other Facilities Use
BP 6740 (PDF) Citizens Oversight Committee
BP 6750 (PDF) Parking
BP 6800 (PDF) Safety
BP 6900 (PDF) Bookstore
BP 6910 (PDF) Housing


Procedure Title
AP 6100 (PDF) Delegation of Authority Business and Fiscal Affairs
AP 6150 (PDF) Designation of Authorized Signatures
AP 6200 (PDF) Budget Preparation
AP 6250 (PDF) Budget Management
AP 6307 (PDF) Debt Issuance and Management
AP 6320 (PDF) Investments
AP 6324 (PDF) Disclosure Procedure for Public Deb Obligations
AP 6331 (PDF) Taft College Technology Purchase Procedures
AP 6331 (PDF) Taft College Technology Purchases Appendix A
AP 6335 (PDF) District Credit Cards
AP 6340 (PDF) Bids and Contracts
AP 6350 (PDF) District Fundraising
AP 6365 (PDF) Contacts – Accessibility of Information Technology
AP 6370 (PDF) Contracts – Personal Service
AP 6400 (PDF) Financial Audits
AP 6450 (PDF) Wireless of Cellular Telephone Use
AP 6500 (PDF) Property Management
AP 6530 (PDF) District Vehicles
AP 6535 (PDF) Use of District Equipment
AP 6540 (PDF) Insurance
AP 6550 (PDF) Disposal of Property
AP 6600 (PDF) Capital Construction
AP 6620 (PDF) Naming of District Facilities and Properties
AP 6700 (PDF) Civic Center and Other Facilities Use
AP 6740 (PDF) Citizens' Oversight Committee
AP 6750 (PDF) Parking
AP 6800 (PDF) Safety
AP 6850 (PDF) Hazardous Materials
AP 6900 (PDF) Bookstore