April 21, 2017 Meeting


No agenda available


Members Present:

Adrian Agundez, Dan Hall, John Eigenauer, Mark Gibson, Dana Hicks, Richard Hudson, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Mitchell, Tiffany Rowden

Members Absent:   

Nicole Avina, Bill Devine, John Dodson, Shelley Getty, Aldrin Luben, Brock McMurray, Robert Meteau, David Reynolds, Mark Williams


There were no guests.


Adrian Agundez


Dana Hicks was meeting recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 10:06 am.


  • Minutes from March meeting was not available. The committee will approve March and April meeting minutes at May’s meeting.

Password Procedure:

  • The main discussion of the committee was about the new password procedure. The procedure was distributed in an email prior to the meeting.  Adrian hoped everyone had a chance to review the procedure prior to the meeting.
  • The password procedure was developed by CCC Tech Center CIS Officer, Jeff Holden, as a goal to inform the California Community College Campuses on basics of computer/cyber security.
  • This procedure will change the way we build passwords and making them stronger.
  • Per Mark Gibson, last year the State Attorney General sent out a report indicating there are 12 controls that state workers should be following. If we’re not following these 12 controls, then we are not doing our “due diligence” as public service employees.  This all means that the password policy is a state mandate or law.
  • Per Adrian, if there is a data breach, the colleges will now be required to complete a highly detailed, four page questionnaire. This questionnaire was distributed at last month’s meeting and Adrian will also email it to everyone after this meeting.
  • John Eigenauer expressed a concern about the complexity of the policy and people understanding the meaning of it. He also asked Adrian how the committee could help explain the policy to the campus.
  • Adrian stated there’s now wordage at the top of incoming email about being careful of attachments, etc. due of cyber breaches he and Mark had heard about at the last conference they attended.
  • There’s the possibility of Mark or whoever assumes Adrian’s position to briefly talk at mandatory meetings to give updates of how we do things and why these things such as password strengthening are being done.
  • Tiffany Rowden will be looking into adding Mark/IT to future in-services/mandatory meeting schedules to give updates. John indicated there also needs to be added protocols inform part-time faculty who are not required to attend these meeting.
  • As new policy states, passwords will need to consist of a minimum of 8 characters. Phrases of at least 23 characters will also be acceptable as passwords.  Staff will need to change passwords every six months.  Faculty and other staff will be every 180 days.  Lastly, passwords may not be repeated twice.

IT Jobs Update:

  • Adrian informed the Website Coordinated closed with 8 applicants. There’s hope of hiring the coordinator soon.
  • The Information Services Director position was flown this last week and will close mid-May. Adrian is hopeful a new director will be hired prior to his departure in July.


Dan Hall:

Dan informed the committee about the purchase of new software, Cranium Café.  Cranium Café is a communication software that allows students to connect with college personnel.  It is ADA compliant and includes highly accurate captioning.  Cranium Café is currently being phased in with Taft College Counselors.  It is also being hailed by campus tutors.  One of the main purposes Cranium Café was purchased was to provide a way for the increasing distance education students to connect with Taft College.  The software is available for all classes and faculty to use.

Another item Dan updated the committee about was the fact that Office 362 and OfficeMix is now integrated with Canvas.

Adrian Agundez:

Adrian announced the next ITC meeting is planned for May 19, however, it will be moved due to that day is graduation.  May’s meeting will revisit the Password Procedure topic.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:03 a.m.

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