October 09, 2015 Meeting


Governance Council

October 9, 2015

2:10 pm – 4:00 pm – Cougar Room

(Note Special Time due to Oildorado Civic Luncheon)


Facilitator:          Tony Thompson

Timekeeper:      Velda Pena

Minutes:             Melissa Blanco



  1. Approval of Minutes from September 28, 2015 Meeting                                                       5 Minutes
  2. Committee Reports (brief)                                                                                                                   25 Minutes
    1. Access Committee (Mark Williams)
    2. Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)
    3. Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
    4. Strategic Planning Committee (Mark/Darcy)
    5. Campus Safety and Security (Darcy Bogle)
    6. Information Technology Committee (Adrian Agundez)


  1. Accreditation Debrief and ACCJC Special Report (Dena Maloney)                                 20 Minutes
  2. IEPI Training Report

(Invited Guests:  Mike Jiles and Michelle Beasley)                                                                    15 Minutes


  1. Proposal to Split Liberal Arts Division (Bill Devine/Geoffrey Dyer) 20 Minutes
  2. Proposal to Add Two New Sports in 2016/17 (Kanoe Bandy) 15 Minutes
  3. Institution Set Standards for CTE Programs – Job Placement (Diane Baeza) 15 Minutes



Next Meeting:  Friday, October 23, 2015

Call for Facilitator and Timekeeper



October 9, 2015


Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Bill Devine, Geoffrey Dyer, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Greg Golling,  Alexander Victoria (Student Rep.), Laura L’Ecuyer, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Pena, Tony Thompson, Mark Williams, and Brandy Young


Members Absent:       Sheri Black and Vicki Jacobi

Guest:                              Keven Altenhofel, Mike Jiles, and Robert Meteau

Facilitator:                       Tony Thompson

Timekeeper:                  Velda Pena



  • The minutes of the meeting held September 28, 2015 were approved by consensus.




  • Access/Success Committees (Mark Williams/Darcy Bogle)
    • The Student Success committee met Thursday, October 8, 2015.
    • Mark distributed a handout titled “Comprehensive Enrollment Model (DRAFT)” (copy attached to official minutes).
    • The Access Committee and the Student Success Committee will combine efforts to help develop a Comprehensive Enrollment Model based on “Completion by Design”.
    • The committees will utilize information in the SAP, Student Success Plan, Equity Plan, and the Basic Skills Plan to assist in developing their plan and creating critical data points.
    • Taft College needs data that is meaningful to utilize for planning and making decisions.
    • The Comprehensive Enrollment Model utilizes pictures with data rather than just numbers to tell the story. It provides a much better impact than just seeing numbers.
    • The Access Committee will be meeting Friday, October 16, and has invited the Student Success Committee members to attend to begin discussions on the Comprehensive Enrollment Model.
    • The two committees will plan a one-day workshop to work together to design a visual for the District’s data and develop critical points for the data to depict the story of enrollment at various timeframes.
  • Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
    • Brock stated the BC met yesterday and mainly discussed accreditation.
    • They also spent time reviewing the evaluation results of the committee’s work and their effectiveness.
    • As a result of the evaluation, they agreed on the following:
      • Increase their meeting time from 1 hour to 1 ½ hours.
      • Distribute the BC minutes to GC members for a continual update.
      • Review the charter twice a year to make improvements.
    • Brock stated he will be attending the ACBO meeting next week and after his return provide more information on the State and District budget.



  • Campus Security (Darcy Bogle)
    • Darcy stated the committee met today.
    • Darcy announced that the Annual Security Report for the District is now on-line for review.
    • She also stated WESTEC now has an Annual Security Report.
    • Officer Kevin Altenhofel reviewed some highlights of the Annual Security Report such as crime statistics for the college, steps of reporting, types of reportable crimes, campus policies, and resources for victims.
    • The report included statistics and incidents form 2012-2014.
  • Information Technology Committee (Adrian Agundez)
    • No report was provided.




(Led by Dr. Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President)

  • Dena reported overall the accreditation visit was a success and thanked the faculty, staff and students for all their assistance and efforts during their visit.
  • At the conclusion of the Site Visit, the team held an Exit Meeting on Thursday, October 1.
  • Here is a summary of the team’s comments at the Exit Meeting:
  • Commendations
    1. The integration of the Transition to Independent Living Program students into campus life in all areas.
    2. The overall facilities planning, the outstanding maintenance of our grounds, and overall environment on campus.
    3. The engagement with our students and access to the student services programs available to students.  The genuine commitment to student success is very clear.  Taft College clearly demonstrates a vibrant student life program.
    4. The engagement of leadership across the campus as evidenced by our integrated planning throughout the campus, the changes to and attention paid to the Governance Council and its charter; our overall emphasis on institutional effectiveness.
  • Recommendations – Improving Institutional Effectiveness
  1. Improve effectiveness of the college: Student Services, Learning Support, Administrative units – all departments need to participate in Program Review using outcomes assessment.
  2. Increase effectiveness  of the college:  As Distance Education constitutes about 40% of all classes are delivered, we need to expand and diversify technology and workshops for  Distance Ed faculty
  3. Increase effectiveness of the College – Develop and implement a Distance Education Plan which addresses student achievement.  The team observed a gap in student achievement between courses delivered Face to Face vs. Online.  We need to fully implement Administrative Procedure 4105, incorporate the Distance Ed plan into the College dialogue, the integrated planning process and involve the Governance Council.


  • Recommendations – Deficiencies in Meeting Standards
  1. SLOS and Program Review.  Fully integrate Course Level SLOs in to the Program Review process. We also need to incorporate Program Level SLOs (and departments) to the same degree that we incorporate Student Achievement data.  We must utilize SLO data to assess effectiveness of financial and other resources for their impact.  We must analyze what changes are being made in programs to demonstrate improvement.
  2. Complete the ACCJC Substantive Change with regard to the discontinuance of the Auto Program and re-instatement of the Welding program in its new facility.
  3. SLOs – Assess consistently and analyze the assessment data for all programs. Some programs are doing incredible work but others need to rise to that level.
  4. SLOs – Broadly communicate to students by putting SLOs on all syllabi and all Course Outline of Records.
  • Dena reminded the GC members of the ACCJC letter dated August 13, 2015 received by the District requesting additional information.
  • There were three main areas of concern: (1) Institution-set standards for CTE job placement rates (2) CTE Program Licensure Examination Pass Rates, and (3) SLO practices and ongoing assessment.
  • Dena review the District’s response (copy attached to official minutes) to the ACCJC.
  • The letter had three main sections that discussed the CTE job placement rates, CTE licensure exam passage rates, and SLO practices.
  • Institution-set standards were set for job placement rates for CTE programs with at least 10 completers in 2012-2013.
  • CONSENSUS: The GC members approved the institution-set standards for job placement rates as stated in the response letter dated October 14, 2015 to the ACCJC.
  • Dena also stated the District erroneously reported only 44% of the courses had on-going assessment due to non-assessment of courses not being offered. When those courses are removed are percentage assessment rate for courses is 75%.
  • The response letter demonstrates the District is currently meeting the standards than originally thought.
  • The response letter will be presented at the next board meeting for approval.
  • Laura L’Ecuyer questioned the accuracy of the numbers regarding 2013-2014 enrollment and will confirm those numbers for Dena.



(Led by Mike Jiles, Associate Professor)

  • Mike Jiles attended an IEPI training at San Bernadine College.
  • Mike discussed the six success factors that help engage and retain students:
    1. Directed- have a goal
    2. Focus- stay on track
    3. Nurtured- feel like we want them to succeed
    4. Engaged- actively participate in class/extra-curricular activities



  1. Connected- feel like a part of the college
  2. Valued- feel their contributions are appreciated
  • The goal is to figure out how to provide these six factors to our students.
  • Students value regular and meaningful feedback about their performance and progress.
  • Also, students value a genuine connection to staff/faculty which impact their performance, give them motivation, and provide respect and time.
  • Tony stated the TC Athletics’ programs already provide these practices to athletes and this is the very reason why athletes are successful in succeeding at Taft College.
  • Alexander, student representative, stated there is an immense wall to get students involved, especially on a commuter campus. He stated we need to look at incentives or a pathway to get them involved.
  • A suggestion was made to bring the resources to the classroom as part of the curriculum. Staff can then explain the supportive services that Taft College has to offer.
  • It was also stated that requiring certain participation by students may be necessary in order to enroll and provide awareness of services.
  • Sharyn suggested automating emails to students regarding critical points to provide meaning and consistent feedback.



(Led by Bill Devine, Co-Chair, Liberal Arts Division and Professor)

  • Bill Devine presented and read a proposal recommending splitting the Liberal Arts Division into two divisions: (1) English and (2) Liberal Arts.
  • Bill stated 7 years ago they recognized the responsibilities of the Liberal Arts Division were too much for one person, and soon it had two co-chairs to do the workload.
  • They formed a resolution to split the Liberal Arts Division to make it more manageable for one and to allow more time for division chair responsibilities.
  • Sharyn questioned if anyone knew the criteria to put a division together and when to combine or split one? (number of programs, number of adjuncts, number of FTEF). How were divisions established in the past for TC?
  • Bill stated there was an inequity currently with the Liberal Arts divisions versus the other divisions.
  • Dena stated if the issue was regarding “equity” then this would have to go to the bargaining units for review and approval. If this was just a “planning” issue in how to better structure the divisions then GC would be the right place to review and approve.
  • Currently, the Academic Senate has had first and second reading and unanimously approved the proposal to split the Liberal Arts Division into two divisions.
  • GC members requested a copy of the resolution and the documents/data supporting the reason for the proposal. Bill will email the resolution and supporting documents to be attached to the official minutes.
  • Further discussion was recommended for this agenda item.





(Led by Kanoe Bandy, Division Chair for Applied Technology and Director of Athletics)

  • Kanoe distributed a handout titled “Men’s and Women’s Golf Proposal” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The Athletic Department would like to propose the startup of a new sport, men’s and women’s golf, for TC.
  • The estimated annual expense for the new sport would be $45,764.
  • The program could possibly generate income for TC in the amount of $127,980 with 20 expected student athletes.
  • The concern if we have enough dorms to accommodate these athletes was expressed.
  • Currently, TC would not be able to accommodate an additional 20 athletes with dorms. We currently have 120 dorm room excluding CIL and 130 athletes.  However, not all athletes would need dorms and also we have several housing options with apartments around Taft.
  • Kanoe stated with access and the relationship with the BV Golf Course, the new sport will have use of the course for practice and events. BV Golf Course will not charge for its use.  The BV Golf Course would make their money off of golf tournaments.
  • Transportation would be easy to accommodate with District vehicles.
  • The writing of the curriculum and finding qualified staffing/coaching will be the biggest challenge.
  • Another challenge would be the continual need to transport athletes to the BV Golf Course daily.
  • The District will have strong support from the BV Golf Course and our local high school.
  • Further discussion was recommended for this agenda item.



Next Meeting:  October 23, 2015 – 12:10 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Facilitator:          Greg Golling

Timekeeper:      Brandy Young


Meeting Adjourned:  4:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco