January 23, 2015 Meeting



Governance Council

January 23, 2015

12:10 pm – 2:00 pm – Cougar Room


Facilitator:          Mark Williams

Recorder:            Kanoe Bandy

Timekeeper:      Sheri Black

Minutes:             Melissa Blanco


  1. Approval of Minutes from January 9, 2015 Meeting                                                                 5 Minutes
  2. Resource Request Rankings (Eric Berube)                                                                                45 Minutes
  3. Facilities Master Plan (Brock McMurray)                                                                                  20 Minutes
  4. Governance Council Retreat Ideas (Tony Thompson/Dena Maloney)                                40 Minutes


Next Meeting:  February 27, 2015 RETREAT



January 23, 2015


Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Adam Hightower, Vicki Jacobi, Laura L’Ecuyer, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Pena, Tony Thompson, Brandy Young, and Mark Williams.


Members Absent:       Bruce Ferguson


Guest:                              Eric Bérubé


Facilitator:                       Mark Williams

Recorder:                        Kanoe Bandy

Timekeeper:                  Sheri Black




  • The minutes of the meeting held January 9, 2015 were approved by consensus.


(Led by Dr. Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)


  • Eric distributed a handout titled “Resource Request Prioritization Worksheet for Non-Personnel Items Spring 2015” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The top 5 and bottom 5 goals seemed to stay relatively in the same place. The fluctuations seem to be in between those numbers.
  • A question regarding goal #30 as to why the funds go from $1,200 up to $48,000. It was explained that a couple of years ago there was a request for updating facilities in athletics for $22,000. They were given $22,000 in carpet. More need for updates; therefore, the amount has been stretched over several years of updating facilities.
  • A question regarding goal #25 as to the cost of $5,000 to $125,000. The explanation was that there is a onetime cost of a vehicle and a $5,000 cost for maintenance.
  • Brock stated the Budget Committee tries to identify possible budget sources, alternative funding and challenges for these goals. The information on prior funded goals has been added to the budget timeline. The report will come out at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Dena distributed a handout of 2012/2013 requests funded for 2013/2014 fiscal year (copy attached to official minutes).   It is a draft and there may be other items that need to be added. The budget committee will continue to update this list.
  • The actual program review process is improving with time; however, the timeline of submitting to funding a goal is too long and need to be tightened up.
  • Individuals need to understand the importance of including goals in their program reviews and submitting goal forms to have their goals considered for possible funding.





Governance Council

January 23, 2015

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(Led by Brock McMurray, Executive VP of Administrative Services)


  • The District’s Strategic Action Plan along with its Land Acquisition Plan served as guides to creating the Facilities Master Plan.
  • Brock distributed the District’s Facilities Master Plan – Concept Plan and Demolition Plan to give the members idea of the direction the District is headed toward over 20 years.
  • This also shows the properties that we currently own. The goal is to identify how much land and space we need and identify our future needs for facilities.
  • Since we are landlocked, it was recommended if the Junior High decides to expand and move to work with them on possible acquisition of their property.
  • The Facilities Master Plan identifies where we would like to be in 20 years. These projects are contingent on property acquisition. We will need about 50 acres of land. The idea is to move the athletic programs to a separate property and use the property that is currently the athletic fields for educational buildings.
  • There would be new dorms built and they would be replaced with a new instructional building.
  • The Facilities Master plan also takes into consideration the beautification of pedestrian walkways, parking, and street access.
  • There is a concept of swing space which will be temporary space as we begin to move around.
  • There are also space needs for a tutoring and assessment center, IR and IT that are not completely identified on the plan. These may be accommodated in some of the planned buildings.
  • STEM modular building is going in very soon and may offer alternative space for other areas.
  • The GC thanked Brock and the team for putting this draft together.



(Led by Tony Thompson, Co-Chair and Academic Advisor/Instructor and Dr. Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President)


  • Tony distributed a handout proposing the format of the Governance Council Retreat scheduled for February 27, 2015. It outlined the purpose, anticipated outcomes, format, logistics, and proposed guest speaker.
  • The speaker, Brad Phillips, will talk with us about higher level of inquiry and how to use the data and ensure that we are asking the right questions.
  • Tony felt that this presenter can simplify the topics that we need and help us to accomplish our goals as they pertain to data inquiry.
  • Brad is the creator of Cal-PASS and was involved in the creation of the scorecard. There was a discussion as to how we want to move the culture of the college to evidence-based decisions. He should be a good fit for what we are trying to do here at Taft College.


Governance Council

January 23, 2015

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    • There will be a number of guests that will be invited to the retreat that may also be a benefit Taft College.
    • The fee for the guest speaker is $1,800 per day and travel. There will also be a cost of the venue, Stockdale Country Club, and meals as well.
  • CONSENSUS: The Governance Council agreed to move forward with the proposed format for the retreat as presented.



Next Meeting:  Friday, March 13, 2015

Facilitator:          Mark Williams

Recorder:            Kanoe Bandy

Timekeeper:      Adam Hightower


Meeting Adjourned:      1:30 pm


Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco