May 10, 2013 Meeting


May 10, 2013
12:10 pm – 2:00 pm
Cougar Room
Facilitator: Kanoe Bandy
Recorder: Sonja Swenson
Timekeeper: Sharyn Eveland
1. Approval of Minutes of April 12, 2013 —5 minutes
2. Budget Committee Update (led by Dena Maloney) – 15 minutes
3. Continuation of Strategic Planning Committee Recommendations (led by Val Garcia) 15 minutes
4. Continuation of Group Discussion of Governance Council Charter – 45 minutes
5. Debrief on Governance Council Retreat (led by Eric Berube) – 45 minutes
o Clarification of how Taft College Courses are coded in the Chancellor’s Office MIS Database and Chancellor’s Office Student Success Scorecard definition of terms (Vicki Herder)
Next Meeting:
Fall In-Service – DATE TBD
Facilitators: Need Volunteer
Time Keeper: Need Volunteer
Recorder: Need Volunteer




May 10, 2013

12:10 pm – 2 pm

Cougar Room

Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Brandy Cramer, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Sandi Graham, Vicki Herder, Velda Long, Brock McMurray, and Sonja Swenson

Members Absent: Kamala Carlson, Brock McMurray, Jim Nicholas, and Tony Thompson

Guests: Val Garcia

Facilitator: Kanoe Bandy

Recorder: Sonja Swenson

Timekeeper: Sharyn Eveland

Minutes: Melissa Blanco


The minutes of the meeting held April 12, 2013 were approved by consensus.


(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President)

  • The BC met April 17, 2013.
  • They discussed the efforts to develop next year’s budget.
  • Dena distributed a handout titled “Budget Committee- Budget and Legislative Update from April 17, 2013” (copy attached to the official minutes) to the GC members.
  • Both committees rejected most of the administration’s reform proposals for community colleges.
  • State revenues are up $4.6 billion than originally projected. This may mean more money for community colleges.
  • We are waiting for the May Revise to see how the District’s budget will be affected.
  • Managers are working on their tentative budgets which will be presented to the Board of Trustees in June.
  • The COLA will be included in our current assumptions, but if that does not happen we will have to regroup.
  • Prop 30 funds have stipulations on how to be spent and the Board has to certify the use of that money.
  • Many districts are spending it on academic salaries. An accounting of the funds must also be published on campus websites.
  • Ranked requests: non-personnel items.
    • classroom equipment replacement
    • Degree Works Consulting (grant funds)
    • Databases for Math & Science (grant funds)
    • new laptops for library
    • new carpet in gym
    • new PC for IR staff (grants)
    • new weight room equipment (Foundation)
    • others will be considered over the summer
  • Erik is working on revising the timeline for program reviews.
  • Vicki suggested that there be a website that could track the progress of the Program Goals.
  • Kanoe asked if there had been any discussion as to the reinstatement of funds cut out of TC budgets over the past 3 years which greatly reduced funding for their programs such as Uniform Replacement, etc. How do we bring back funding for these items?
  • Val suggested a new form be created for areas to identify what has been cut over the past 3 years, so that those would be considered without having to go through the Program Goals approval process.
  • Dena cautioned that not all cutbacks will be restored immediately.
  • Velda suggested that the lower priority items continue to climb as other items are funded, but Sharyn pointed out that it may not be in the best interest of the entire campus and priorities may change with time.
  • Maloney acknowledged that this is a dilemma as to what should happen with unfunded program goals and the inclusion of those program goals no considered in the next PR cycle.
  • Kanoe suggested that the sub-committee develop a process to make sure there is no duplication, but also to clarify if you have to resubmit those which were not funded.



(Led by Val Garcia, Dean of Instruction)

  • The committee met last Friday.
  • Eric Bérubé shared the evaluations regarding the program review process and also put the results on the TC Website.
  • The committee is working on creating an interactive diagram regarding the process for planning and budget cycle, along with a status update regarding program goals as to ranking and funding, etc.
  • The SPC is also working creating an on-line shared access folder for all TC committees, charters, list of members, meeting times, agendas, and minutes.




(Group Discussion)

  • At the last GC meeting, Kanoe had brought up the fact the GC Charter seemed to give all the power for decision-making to the BC & SPC only.
  • Maloney stated she reviewed the past GC/PC minutes from the last several years and she recognized that a lot of time and energy had been expended on creating the current charters. She also stated the GC is currently a little restricted, and suggested that two areas (enrollment management and Student Success) should be included to strengthen this process.
  • Vicki responded that she viewed the current 2 committees as recommending bodies and not as the only 2 areas which would move things forward.
  • AB 1725 provides a framework for members of the college to “participate” in shared governance.
  • The question was asked about why Board members do not currently sit on GC.
  • Maloney stated the role of board members is to not sit on college committees.
  • Question was raised as to what generates items get on the agenda. This process needs to be reviewed.
  • It was suggested the GC Council review the current charter. This is currently done annually.
  • Further discussion of the Charter and recommendations will happen in August.
  • Vicki reminded this group that we are all representative and we should be reporting back to our constituents about the happenings of this body. There seems to be a lack of communication.
  • The intranet already has the capability for posting minutes, but is not being fully utilized.
  • The membership of the sub-committee was discussed.
  • Sharyn refreshed our collective memories about the original idea behind the sub-committees and the later blend of the sub-committee membership.
  • Kanoe agreed that part of the reason was to split out some of the work load and stated that the expertise of non-GC members is necessary to those committees.


*Agenda Item:   Recommendations for GC Charter and possible changes to the structure,

including the role of subcommittees.


(Led by Vicki Herder, Division Chair, in the absence of Eric Bérubé)

  • Vicki distributed a handout titled “Debrief of Governance Council Planning Retreat – April 26, 2013” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Overall, the retreat was a success and the GC members found Ms. Hope’s presentation informative and useful.
  • Vicki provided an explanation of how Taft College Courses are coded in the Chancellor’s Office MIS Database and Chancellor’s Office Student Success Scorecard definition of terms.


Governance Council

May 10, 2013

Page 4

  • Vicki Herder gave a PowerPoint presentation to how TC’s use of the vocabulary has been different from the Scorecard’s use of the words such as Remedial, Basic Skills, college level, college prepared, prepared, and unprepared. She urged us all to change our use of the terms (copy of the PowerPoint presentation attached to official minutes).


Facilitator: Sandi Graham

Recorder: Greg Golling

Timekeeper: Brandy Cramer

Next Meeting: TBD

Meeting Adjourned: 2:05 pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco

*Agenda Item:   Recommendations for GC Charter and possible changes to the structure,

including the role of subcommittees.

*Agenda Item:   The SPC will look at the timeline which was presented and develop different

scenarios with various time frames for the flow of events and present them at

the next meeting. (From 4-12-13 meeting)