January 11, 2013 Meeting


January 11, 2013
12:10 pm – 2:00 pm
Cougar Room
Facilitator: Tony Thompson
Recorder: Greg Golling
Timekeeper: Dena Maloney
Minutes: Melissa Blanco
1. Approval of Minutes of December 14, 2012 —5 minutes
2. Review of the 2012 Report to the Community – (led by Dena Maloney) 10 minutes
3. Facilities and Construction Update (led by Brock McMurray) – 15 minutes
4. 2012 Accountability Report for Community Colleges (ARCC) (led by Eric Berube) – 30 minutes
5. Accreditation Self Study – Forming Teams (led by Eric Berube) – 15 minutes
6. Legislative Update (led by Dena Maloney) – 10 minutes
Next Meeting:
February 8, 2013



January 11, 2013 12:10 pm–2 pm Cougar Room

Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Kamala Carlson, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Sandi Graham, Vicki Herder, Velda Long, Brock McMurray, Dena Maloney, Sonja Swenson, and Tony Thompson

Members Absent:       Patti Bench, Debra Ekdahl, Fernando Lara, and Jim Nicholas

Guests:                            Barbara Amerio, Eric Bérubé, Tori Furman, and Val Garcia

Facilitator: Tony Thompson Recorder: Greg Golling Timekeeper: Dena Maloney Minutes: Melissa Blanco



The minutes of the meeting held December 14, 2012 were approved by consensus with correction to spelling error on Page 2 “Demographic”.



(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President)

  • Dena distributed a brochure titled “Report to the Community 2012” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • She stated this report is posted on the TC Website for public access.
  • It’s the District’s goal to have a standard report go out to the community each year.
  • This report provides data regarding enrollment, programs and classes offered, trends, student success, services provided, budget, resources, and updates on Measure A and facilites, etc.
  • Dena asked for suggestions on what additional information could be included in this report.
  • Suggestions to include updates on alumni or special events.
  • This report is currently only distributed to businesses, school districts, and professional organizations.




(Led by Brock McMurray, Vice President of Student Services)

  • Brock discussed the status of various construction projects.
  • TIL Project is going well and hope to be completed by the end of March and the plan is to finish the residential areas by Spring Break.
  • Need to have dorm modernization done prior to Fall semester.
  • Parking lot (part of TIL project) is ahead of schedule, but rain and cold weather have slowed down the project.
  • Once the TIL Project is complete, the District plans to have an official ribbon cutting and a organized community event.
  • Dorm modernization is broken down into three phases:
    • Phase 1 is the modernization of the old TIL dorm.
    • Phase 2 is half of Ash Street dorm modernization to start by end of Spring 2013.
    • Phase 3 is work on the other half of Ash Street dorm project (upgrades, facelift, internet).
  • The Student Center Building project is close to finishing the design phase.
  • Shade structures have not been finalized for the campus due to on-going changes, but will start after dorm modernizations.




(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric Bérubé presented a PowerPoint presentation to the GC members.
  • Assembly Bill 1417 was passed to no college would get an advantage due to its size and location.
  • The ARCC is required by the Chancellor’s office to create an accountability process for individual community colleges where student achievement on a variety of indicators can be monitored.
  • There are four parts to the ARCC as follows:
    • Effectiveness indicators
    • Enrollment & demographics
    • College peer grouping
    • Evaluation
  • Next year’s ARCC report will be different due to some changes being incorporated such as use of score cards instead of confusing tables, no peer groups, data being made available on-line and no narrative being required.
  • The District has decreased in two of the seven indicators and is on top of two of the seven; overall the District is doing pretty good.
  • Concern of why achievement rates are down and why persistence has slipped. How to improve and is data accurate is also a concern.
  • The District had created an enrollment management committee to help address some of these concerns.
  • The more tutoring received by a student, the more likely they were to succeed.
  • Eric was asked to present the ARCC during faculty reports.



(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric Bérubé distributed a folder which contained some direction and activities that the Accreditation subcommittees must achieve by Spring 2013.
  • He asked each chair to review the material and tasks so they are able to communicate this to their subcommittee.
  • He also requested each chair to identify subcommittee members and forward their list to Debi Wooley.
  • The subcommittees will be formed this semester and ready to begin work in the Fall.
  • A detailed timeline of activities for the Spring 2013 semester will be distributed at the next GC meeting scheduled for February 8, 2013.




(Led by Dena Malone, Superintendent/President & Co-Chair)

  • Dena distributed a handout titled “McCallum Group, Inc. – Sacramento Report January 7, 2013” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The Higher Education Committee grows form 9 to 13 members.
  • Legislation passed and effective January 26, 2013 with prioritization regulations phased-in through 2014.
  • Update on CalSTRS unfunded liability; if no change is made in law, the fund will be exhausted by year 2044.
  • California Taxpayers Association is concerned about public agencies obtaining bonds with balloon payments; therefore, proposing a maximum of 25 years of payment liability with level interest.
  • Proposed legislation from Shannon Grove (AB67) to hold tuition and fees for CC, CSU, and UC at 2011-12 level for next 7 years.




  • Dena announced she will take over chairing the Budget Committee and begin meeting soon
  • GC members expressed concern District readiness to respond during an emergency such as the shooting incident that occurred at the TUHS yesterday.
  • Does the District have an emergency operations plan? If so, why has this information not been disseminated to the campus?
  • Counselors met after the Sandy Hook shooting and have several ideas to share with the District.
  • GC members suggested that In-service should be utilize to communicate and train for emergencies.
  • GC members would like to see a plan and a deadline set for distributing and communicating this information to staff and faculty. They would also like to see adequate training.
  • GC members also suggested utilizing local resources such as the Taft Police Department to provide suggestions and discussion on an emergency plan.
  • The District does have an Emergency Operation Plan that was put together by the Ron and his committee. It was board approved but never distributed.
  • Brock stated there are also two campus safety documents. One with emergency contacts, but this document has sensitive information so has limited a distribution list.
  • A second document will be created and distributed soon as a result of yesterday’s incident which has a “To Do List” and identifies how to lock down various campus facilities during an emergency.
  • Parking lot security and lighting was also a safety concern expressed by GC members.



Facilitator: Vicki Herder Recorder: Kanoe Bandy Timekeeper: Sharyn Eveland

Next Meeting: Friday, February 8, 2013 at 12:10 pm Meeting Adjourned: 2:05 pm

Respectfully submitted by: Melissa Blanco