October 28, 2020 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


  1. Welcome


  1. Approval of Minutes from September meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update

A. 2020-21 Compensation (COLA 2.32%) (2nd reading at Oct. Board Mtg.)

B. 2022-23 Academic Calendar sub-committee


  1. Updated Salary Schedules for 2020-21


  1. Other

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 12:10pm, Location: Zoom ID# 93911619851  (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association Minutes

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


  1. Welcome

President Payne welcomed faculty.


  1. Approval of Minutes from September meeting

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Jennifer Altenhofel with a 2nd from Robin Polski.  Tony Thompson and Michelle Oja abstained. The motion was approved.


  1. Treasurer’s Report
    Treasurer, David Mitchell, reported an overall balance of $7329.45.


  1. TCFCBC Update: President Payne reported that TCFCBC was not held during October. The meeting was cancelled at the request of administration.
    1. 2020-21 Compensation (Salary Increase 2.32%)

President Payne shared that the Frey Report increase of 2.32% has been approved by the board.  President Payne indicated the new salary schedule rates would be applied to the end of October payment and that the retro pay would be made on the November 15th pay date.  Diane Jones shared that the district agreed to pass on the salary increase to all classified and administrative groups.


  1. 2022-23 Academic Calendar sub-committee

President Payne shared that a subcommittee was formed to discuss the 2022-23 academic calendar.  President Payne shared that the continued interests of the faculty for the Thanksgiving week would be presented at the meeting.


  1. COVID 19 MOU

President Payne shared that the continuation of the MOU would be discussed during the November TCFCBC meeting. There were no changes that the faculty were seeking although there was an interest to extend the MOU through the end of the summer. President Payne invited the faculty to reach out to her or the bargaining team if there were any concerns regarding the current MOU.


  1. Updated Salary Schedules for 2020-21

President Payne reported that she was waiting on HR to complete the updates. The FA team has created their own and will use those to compare for accuracy.  Once completed they will be emailed to the faculty and will be posted on the faculty association website.


  1. Other

President Payne reminded new and tenure track faculty who are on the evaluation cycle that student evaluations would be conducted via Canvas.

President Payne reminded faculty to check their email inbox for CTA membership.

Diane Jones reminded faculty that renewal of Flexible Spending enrollment was open for 2021. Instructions were emailed by HR.

Diane Jones reminded faculty to share ideas for in-service training for the upcoming January and May schedule.

Meeting adjourned at 12:58pm.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 12:10pm, Location: Zoom ID#93911619851 (Every 4th Wednesday)

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