February 26, 2020 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from January meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Non-Working Days
    2. Faculty Dependent Priority Registration


  1. Nominations for TCFCBC Team


  1. Retirement gift: David Layne


  1. Scholarship Committee (Applications available for review beginning March 30, recipients must be selected by April 20)


  1. Overload payment


  1. Other



Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 12:10pm, Location:  Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes for February 26, 2020


  1. Welcome & Introductions

President Payne welcomed faculty.


  1. Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Michelle Oja with a 2nd from David Mitchell.  The motion was unanimously approved.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer, Mike Mayfield, reported an overall balance of $8661.84 excluding payment for today’s lunch.  Mike Mayfield updated the faculty that in order to be eligible for arbitration via CTA the TC Faculty Association needs to increase dues by about $9.00 a month for next year.  A motion from Michelle Oja with a 2nd from Mike Mayfield to increase the dues to $190 year and increase accordingly to always meet the minimum for arbitration was unanimously approved.


  1. Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update.


  1. Non-Working Days

President Payne announced the Non-Working days memorialization had its second reading on the January 15th board tonight with effective date of July 1, 2020.


  1. Faculty Dependent Priority Registration

President Payne shared that the Faculty Dependent Priority Registration draft language reached consensus via email.  Approved language will be updated in section 2.1 of the faculty contract after board approval.


  1. Nominations for TCFCBC Team

President Payne shared that Joe’ll Chaidez would be unable to continue to serve his term on the Bargaining Team that is set to expire in 2022.  The floor was opened for nominations. Tina Mendoza accepted a nomination by Sharyn Eveland. Adam Bledsoe accepted a nomination by Julian Martinez.  President Payne indicated that she would distribute ballots to every Faculty Association member with a return date of Friday, March 6, 2020 at noon.


  1. Retirement Gift: David Layne

President Payne shared that she had reached out to David Layne and presented him with the traditional retirement gift of a chair or a contribution on his behalf to the Faculty Association scholarship fund.   David Layne elected the contribution to the scholarship fund for students who are interested in being teachers.


  1. Scholarships Committee

President Payne shared that the Taft College Scholarship Applications are available for review beginning March 30th, recipients must be selected by April 20th.  President Payne asked for volunteers.  Darcy Bogle, Juana Escobedo, Tina Mendoza and Michelle Oja agreed to serve as the selection committee.  A motion was made by Maritza Martinez with a 2nd by Sharyn Eveland to allocate $3600 + $400 from David Layne’s retirement gift for a total of $4000 to be awarded by the scholarship committee.  The motion was unanimously approved.


  1. Overload Payment

President Payne reminded faculty that the 19-20 Overload Memos were sent out and are due back to the Office of Instruction by February 21, 2020.  Faculty can elect between monthly payments, one payment on June 10th, or  3 payments on April 10th, May 10th, and June 10th.



President Payne provided an update on evaluations.  President Payne reported that Administration stated they are aware that not every faculty in the evaluation cycle was visited by or had a peer evaluation completed.  President Payne reminded every faculty to adhere to the evaluations procedures.


President Payne reminded all faculty to make sure to be available during posted office hours and to make sure to notify all students if a change to those hours was necessary.


President Payne reminded faculty of 6.2.1 contract language which outlined the on campus presence expectation when classes were not in session.


Michelle Oja updated the faculty that with her pending sabbatical, there may be a need to bargain additional club advisor stipends to continue all currently existing clubs.


Robin Polski updated the faculty that the Public Information Committee had been discontinued by Administration.  President Payne shared that faculty who currently serve on this committee were given the options of selecting another committee, reassign a committee that is not contractually required to a required committee, or wait until the Fall 2020 semester to select another committee.


The floor was opened for a presentation by Gregory and Cody from Equitable



The meeting adjourned at 12:59pm.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 25,2020, 12:10pm, Location:  Cougar Room

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