October 25, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from September meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update


  1. 2017-18 Compensation (COLA 1.56%) and retro pay (2nd reading approved at October Board Mtg.)
  2. Faculty Association President Compensation (1st reading at October Board Mtg.)
  3. Non-Teaching Adjunct Counselors Evaluation Document
  4. Article 7.3.1 (Frey Report)
  5. Academic Calendar 2019-20


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 22, 2017, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of October 25, 2017


Approval of Minutes

Dr. Dave Layne made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Debora Rodenhauser, and the motion was unanimously approved with one spelling correction.


Treasurer’s Report

Vice President Mike Mayfield reported a balance of $10,786.02 before lunch. A dues check of $4,399 accounted for this increase.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

  1. 2017-18 Compensation and retro pay:

President Jones reported the 1.56% COLA went to its second reading in October and was approved. Retro pay will be awarded, although the exact date is still undecided. Faculty were urged to pay attention to their paychecks for accuracy.


  1. Faculty Association President Compensation:

President Jones reported on this information item, which had its first reading in October. The second reading will be in November and should be in effect soon.


  1. Non-Teaching Adjunct Counselors Evaluation Document:

President Jones reported that Joe’ll Chaidez has continued to work on this document with changes to student evaluations and deadline dates. A subcommittee was formed to ensure that the process is reflected in the new form. This item will probably go into effect in the fall of 2018-2019.


  1. Article 7.3.1 (Frey Report):

President Jones reported that faculty compensation is tied to the Frey Report, which is part of the contract in Article 7.3.1. The calculation revealed that in addition to the 1.56% COLA, we are out of compliance by 1.69%. President Jones notified the Administration, but it was decided that reaching consensus would be delayed to give Superintendent President Daniels time to talk to other bargaining groups. Once it reaches consensus, it has to go to the board and will be retroactive to July 1 after its ratification.


  1. Academic Calendar 2019-2020:

President Jones reported that the 2019-2020 calendar was under discussion. While the Lincoln Holiday followed past practice of being observed as a four-day weekend, some discussion centered around the week off for Thanksgiving. The difficulty in scheduling a week off conflicts with athletes, so one potential compromise is to use Veterans Day, which can be a working holiday, for a day off during the Thanksgiving week. President Jones requested feedback about that compromise. Kelly Kulzer requested that veterans be asked before making a decision. It was noted that the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is an attendance issue. It was also suggested that it was a nice compromise for athletics, which has to be on campus during that week. The bargaining team reached consensus to work on Veterans Day and take the Wednesday off before Thanksgiving. In addition, one day during Winter break was ceded to the Classified bargaining unit since most faculty are already on break. Becky Roth made a motion to accept the motion with Tori Furman seconding it, which was approved with one abstention, Kanoe Bandy.





President Jones reported that during the bargaining meeting she brought up a concern that longevity pay be credited to the defined benefit account, a question that Brock McMurray will answer in the next meeting. President Jones also reminded everyone to keep track of leave because it affects the amount that one receives upon retirement. President Jones reported that the Associate Vice President of Human Resources has left, and Judy Wade has announced her retirement in December. Tony Thompson invited faculty to attend the Hall of Fame banquet on November 12th and mentioned several inductees, including the recently retired Don Bandy, and other notable figures. Kanoe Bandy thanked faculty for supporting the Breast Cancer Awareness fundraiser, which raised $2,200 and will help two TC members battling cancer. She also reminded everyone that the fundraiser for Puerto Rico ends at the end of October. Also, the Canned Food Drive will be November 1st through November 15th. In addition, she announced the Christmas Tree fundraiser, is a particularly timely fundraiser for coinciding with the fact that Taft will no longer sell Christmas trees. Tony Thompson also shared that in response to Kanoe Bandy’s high school burning down in the Santa Rosa fires, her volleyball team decided to make blankets for the Santa Rosa volleyball team. Kelly Kulzer announced that a comedian would be presenting for Disability Awareness Week.



The meeting adjourned at 12:35 pm.

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