April 26, 2017 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from March meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. AB 2393 “Parental Leave” (1st reading of MOU at May Board Mtg.)
    2. Vacation week between Christmas and New Years
    3. SB 1379 “Part-time, temporary employees re-hire rights”
    4. Face-to-face teaching at correctional facilities
    5. New 3-year contract (current contract expires 6/30/17)
    6. English class size reduction


  1. Officer Nominations for 2017-18


  1. TCFA Scholarships for 2016-17


     $500 Awards $250 Awards $200 Awards
Bailey Vega Eric Maldonado Brittney Ippolito
Abigail LeClair Alexander Victoria Allison (Milner) Self
Tory Parkinson   Heather Gibson
Yesenia Leon   Melissa Lopez Avina
Heather Gospich   Magdalena Gonzalez


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 17, 2017, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of April 26, 2017

Approval of Minutes

Adam Bledsoe made a motion to approve the minutes, which Mike Mayfield second. The motion was unanimously approved.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported a balance of $9,977.44 before lunch and scholarship funds.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

a). AB 2393 “Parental Leave”

Treasurer Ruby Payne, substituting for President Diane Jones, provided this update: this item, although already honored by the District, will have its first reading at the May board meeting.


b). Vacation Week between Christmas and New Year’s

Treasurer Payne mentioned this issue remains in bargaining, awaiting the classified bargaining team’s decision, although the District has expressed an interest in the option of giving one day in order to receive a day off.


c). SB 1379 “Part Time, Temporary Employees Re-hire Rights

Treasurer Payne reported that while the subcommittee met and produced contract language, the Vice President of Instruction (VPI), opposed including the language on the summer session excluded from the normal academic year as he considered it redundant and unnecessary to the meaning and implementation of the contract. In addition, this deletion was linked to chairs not being contracted to evaluate faculty during the summer session. The bargaining team reached consensus with the understanding that this exclusion will not change the procedure for hiring adjuncts.


Discussion included the following points: 1). How does the contract define the academic year? The academic contract defines the academic year as the fall and spring. 2). Does the contract for adjuncts include faculty who are paid by their school districts to teach dual enrollment courses? Yes, as they are considered adjuncts and will be hired based on the process stipulated in the contract. 3). Does the contract unintentionally conflict with other parts of the contract in specifying that division chair’s “primary responsibility for determining adjunct assignments and recommendations”?


Treasurer Payne mentioned that the bargaining team can re-visit these issues. Greg Golling made a motion to approve the contract language with Joy Reynolds seconding this motion. The motion passed with two opposed, Dr. Sharyn Eveland and Dr. Jennifer Altenhofel, and one abstention, Tina Mendoza.


d). Face-to-Face Teaching at Correctional Facilities

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that a subcommittee met to develop contract language. However, the VPI eliminated the paragraph indicating eligibility for mileage reimbursement for its redundancy since this policy already exists. Certification requirements, typically paid at the adjunct rate at roughly 6 hours/year, will be jointly developed between TC and the corresponding correctional facility, housed in the Office of Instruction. The bargaining team reached consensus. Treasurer Payne mentioned that the expediency of this item stemmed from faculty already working at these institutions.


However, the members of the Association expressed reservations with the following points precluding a vote to ratify: 1). Concern over whether certification will mandate future assignments; 2). Concern over protecting faculty against future teaching assignments upon receiving certification; 3). Concern over the omission of the opt-out clause to teach the course offline as the concession of “extenuating circumstances” to be dealt “on a case-by-case basis” was considered inadequate; 4). Concern over the VPI’s deletion of language considered germane to protecting faculty interests teaching at these institutions; 5). Concern over the absence of mileage that might garner more faculty support if it were included; 6). Concern over the language not clearly communicating teaching is voluntary at these facilities, an editing issue that Dr. Chris Chung-Wee will rectify; 7). Concern over the absence of language on faculty safety, although it was mentioned that each facility has its own procedures over this issue; 8). Concern over including clarifying language to indicate that “right of assignment” excludes teaching at a correctional facility; 9). Concern over language permitting faculty to rescind certification; and 10). Concern over the absence of language indicating the frequency of teaching a course and the minimum number of classes taught.


The discussion ended with the understanding that the bargaining team would voice the above reservations. Treasurer Payne requested faculty communicate their concerns via email.


e). New 3-Year Contract (current contract expires 6/30/17)

Treasurer Payne reported the bargaining team reached consensus on continuing the 3-year contract that will include MOUs. She mentioned President Diane Jones is working with HR to ensure the new contract is accurate. Treasurer Payne also explained that it, like its predecessor, will be open for negotiation. Joy Reynolds made a motion to ratify the 3-year contract; Greg seconded this motion, which was unanimously approved.


f). English Class Size Reduction

Treasurer Payne reported this was an information item, not a bargaining issue.


Officer Nominations for 2017-18

Treasure Payne reported President Diane Jones is still willing to serve as president and that Jessica Grimes is also willing to continue to serve as secretary. Mike Mayfield expressed that after serving for nine years as both secretary, and later, vice president, he was interested in serving in a different position and nominated Ruby Payne for Vice President. Jessica Grimes nominated Mike Mayfield for treasurer. Without contestation, the two positions passed; however, two bargaining positions remain open, although Ruby Payne’s new position as vice president automatically puts her on the bargaining team, leaving two openings that both Mike Mayfield and Jessica Grimes expressed an interest in filling. Dr. Altenhofel nominated Dr. Michelle Oja to serve on the bargaining team. Joy Reynolds nominated Jessica Grimes for the bargaining team. With 3 nominations and 2 positions, elections will be held at the next meeting.


TCFA Scholarships for 2016-17

As an information item, Treasurer Payne thanked the committee for nominating 5 students for $500 scholarships, 2 students for $250 scholarships, and 5 students for $200 scholarships for a total of $4,000. The names of scholarship recipients are on the agenda, and these students will be awarded at the scholarship luncheon.



In response to a question on who the remaining bargaining team members were, Treasurer Payne named Adam Bledsoe, Greg Golling, Joe’ll Chaidez, and Diane Jones as the other members. A new bargaining topic was raised regarding contract language for faculty teaching offline courses to include language that teaching offline remain voluntary and/or include additional compensation or a combination of the two options. The meeting ended with Brian Jean complimenting Ruby Payne for deftly facilitating the meeting and its robust discussions.



The meeting adjourned at 12:57 pm.

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