November 07, 2018 Meeting



Wednesday, November 7, 2018



  1. Approve October minutes
  2. Review status of 2018-2019 ADC goals that the committee set last April

-Look at basic skills data before and after assessment/ placement changes

-Revise Basic Skills Action Plan

-Plan/ implement/ evaluate AB 705 support systems

-Basic Skills Annual Program Review


  1. Online and face to face tutoring support in regards to AB 705 and basic skills

-Cranium Café/ Net Tutor/ Worldwide Whiteboard

-# of students/ visits/ hours for mandatory and non-mandatory tutoring

-Will the students who need the supports use them if they are not required?


  1. English 1000/ Faculty in writing lab report (Kamala and Danielle)

-What is working and what is not

-Are students taking advantage of the opportunity?


  1. Webinar takeaways “Developing an AB 705 Evaluation/ Research Plan”.
  2. What do we need in the Learning Center to support basic skills students?

-Develop wish list



Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Present- Lori Sundgren, Joe’ll Chaidez, Janis Mendenhall, Dr. Windy Martinez, Kamala Carlson, Danielle Kerr, Diane Jones, Kent Miller

Absent- Stacey Falgout, Celina Aldaco

  1. Approve October minutes

Diane approved, Danielle Seconded

  1. Review status of 2018-2019 ADC goals that the committee set last April

-Look at basic skills data before and after assessment/ placement changes

Look at default placement guidelines. How many of our incoming students fall into each gpa category?

-Revise Basic Skills Action Plan (in a holding pattern….do nothing with for now)

-Plan/ implement/ evaluate AB 705 support systems

How will we evaluate our support systems (tutoring by walk ins and appointments, supplemental instruction)? Mandatory vs. voluntary? Merging Tutor Trac data and Banner info?

-Basic Skills Annual Program Review (Lori will complete this. Has not been done yet)


  1. Online and face to face tutoring support in regards to AB 705 and basic skills

-Cranium Café/ Net Tutor/ Worldwide Whiteboard

Basic skills students are not using our TC online tutoring. Appointments have been for higher level math courses. Will there still be a need for TC online tutoring in the future or can we use Net Tutor only since it is free and requires no training or extra equipment on our end?

-# of students/ visits/ hours for mandatory and non-mandatory tutoring

Lori presented data from this semester for English 1000 and 1500 lab visits for course sections in which tutoring is mandatory vs. not required. 21.6 students per section visit the writing lab when it is mandatory vs. 2.8 students per section when it is optional.

-Will the students who need the supports use them if they are not required?


  1. English 1000/ Faculty in writing lab report (Kamala and Danielle)

-What is working and what is not

Should writing tutors be holding the pen or should students? Concern if writing tutors are making the corrections, are the students paying attention? Policies and procedures are needed. Some students have been on phone or doing math during required English 1000 time.

-Are students taking advantage of the opportunity?

Many English 1000 students are putting in more than their required one hour per week.

  1. Webinar takeaways “Developing an AB 705 Evaluation/ Research Plan”.

This webinar turned out to be more for IR people. However, Lori found a template that may help in evaluating AB 705 Learning Center supports.

  1. What do we need in the Learning Center to support basic skills students?

-Develop wish list

Supporting Docs