February 22, 2018 Meeting



Thursday, February 22, 2018



  1. Approve January minutes
  2. Professional Development updates that pertain to AB 705, Basic Skills, or

were paid for by Basic Skills.

  • Diane (CAP)
  • Upcoming CAP
  1. Basic Skills Certification / AB 705

-multiple measures conversations/ recommendations

 (MMAP, counseling, math, English, reading,)

-support for students placing higher

 (co-requisites, faculty in labs, embedded tutors, online tutoring, Summer Bridge, WKAEN ABE)

-Basic Skills budget impact due to providing support

-Fall scheduling/ enrollment management

-What data do we want to collect

 (assess vs. placement vs. success vs. persistence to transfer level?)

-What recommendations do we want to make to other groups (Curriculum?) that are working on AB 705?



Thursday, February 22, 2018



  1. Approve January minutes –Diane approved, second by Danielle, none opposed.
  2. Professional Development updates that pertain to AB 705, Basic Skills, or

were paid for by Basic Skills.

  • Diane (CAP)-Diane attended the math segment of a CAP workshop. She was able to talk to and listen to how other colleges have implemented co-requisite models. One option is a two unit add-on for either a cohort or a co-mingled group.
  • Upcoming CAP-Lori will be attending the second annual “Acceleration Across California” conference in March.
  1. Basic Skills Certification / AB 705

-By June 30, our campus must submit to the state an evidence based plan for implementing multiple measures. Also, Joe’ll commented that HR is in the process of posting and extra duty for an AB 705 implementation team.

-multiple measures conversations/ recommendations (MMAP, counseling, math, English, reading,) 

-Lori passed out copies of the MMAP multiple measures recommendations based on their large placement and success study. The counselors have given the English, reading, and math departments their multiple measures recommendations. English and reading have come up with their own recommendations and the math department is in the process of doing so.

-support for students placing higher

 (co-requisites, faculty in labs, embedded tutors, online tutoring, Summer   Bridge, WKAEN ABE)-Lori has started the conversation of “what will we need from adult ed in terms of Adult Basic Education” to support the transition to AB 705 on our campus? She is in the process of scheduling a meeting with Kathy Johnson and needs input from math, English, and reading faculty.


(Did not get to any of the items below)

-Basic Skills budget impact due to providing support-Fall scheduling/ enrollment management

-What data do we want to collect

 (assess vs. placement vs. success vs. persistence to transfer level?)

-What recommendations do we want to make to other groups (Curriculum?) that are working on AB 705?

Supporting Docs