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Taft College Wellness Club

Our Mission

The Taft College Wellness Club was established in the Fall of 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students suffered from stress, anxiety, and depression. The Wellness Club came into place in an effort to combat the stressors that came with the campus closures and students having very little face-to-face interaction with their fellow students, staff, and faculty. 

The Wellness Club is here for our Taft College family. It is a safe space to release and relax through mindfulness training, exercising, and more.

If you are interested in connecting with like-minded people, join the Wellness Club today!


The goal of the club is to:

  1. Research health and wellness as it relates to the college community; and,
  2. Provide information, organize events, and promote practices that lead to the health and wellness of community college students, staff, faculty, administrators, and the community it serves.

Officers & Directors

  • President 
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • ICC (Intersegmental Coordinating Committee) Representative

Faculty Advisor



If you are interested in reviving this club, call 661-763-7887. 

Wellness Club Constitution

    1. The name of this organization shall be the Wellness Club.
    2. The purpose of this organization is to:
      1. Research health and wellness as it relates to the college community.
      2. Provide information, organize events, and promote practices that lead to the health and wellness of community college students, staff, faculty, administrators and the community it serves.
    1. Membership is restricted to Taft College students and Alumni.
    2. Only active members of this association shall vote in elections, hold office, receive awards and other benefits or represent this association in any way.
    1. A candidate for elective office shall:
      1. Be an active member of the Wellness Club.
      2. Officers must be in good standing and not on academic probation at Taft College.
      3. Any club member that is suspended from Taft College for any reason, is not eligible to participate in any activity or meeting of the club so long as that suspension is in force.
      4. A student who desires to be a member in the club, but cannot enroll in the club, may join with restrictions as determined by the Club Advisor.
      5. All elective officers shall hold office for one college calendar year.
    1. The officers shall be: President and Vice President, (or two co-presidents), Secretary and Treasurer.
    2. The club shall be organized in the following structure: Advisor – President – Vice President – Secretary – Treasurer – Members.
    3. To be eligible for office, candidates shall be members in good standing, and maintain a GPA no lower than 2.0.
    4. Officers shall be elected and take office at the end of August. Elected officers must receive a majority of votes to be elected.
    5. Vacancies in the offices of President shall be filled by the Vice President. If the office of the Vice President is vacant, an election to fill both positions will be held. A vacancy in the office of Secretary or Treasurer shall be filled by appointment by the President.
    6. Non-enrolled members may not run for office, but may be appointed to offices as the club deems necessary.
    1. Regular bi-monthly meetings shall be held as designated by the Advisor.
    2. Special meetings may be called as necessary by the Advisor and or President.
    3. A quorum of three members, including at least one officer, shall be necessary to make final decisions.
    1. Club funding may be used for any official club activity or the purchase of equipment/materials deemed necessary to the club, and fully supported by the club members.
    2. Non-enrolled members will not be permitted to attend a convention on club funding. However, they may attend at their own expense.
    3. Reimbursements must be approved by both the Treasurer and the Advisor, and a receipt or  proof of payment must be provided.

By-Laws of the Wellness Club

    1. The club shall be guided in its procedures by the Club Advisor and Club President when no other rules have been specially established in the By–laws or Constitution.
    1. President
      1. Duties of the President and Vice President include working with the Advisor to ensure meeting activities.
      2. Determining the consensus of the group when decisions are needed.
      3. Encouraging members of the club to actively participate in meetings.
      4. Preparing the agenda of the club meetings.
      5. Serve as the liaison between the Wellness Club and the ASO Executive Board.
      6. Fill out Event Request Forms for the coming month on or before the 20th of the month prior.
      7. Submit Event Report Forms directly after any club functions including meetings.
    2. Vice President
      1. The Vice President shall work with the president to ensure the president’s duties are fulfilled.
      2. The Vice President will update the club website and Canvas shell.
      3. Serve as a liaison between the Wellness Club and the ASO Executive Board when the president is unavailable.
    3. Secretary
      1. Take meeting notes and provide accurate minutes to officers and members for approval.
      2. Provide relevant information about discussions in club meetings.
      3. Assist all higher officers with all of their duties if assistance is needed.
    4. Treasurer
      1. The Treasurer shall keep the club ledger current and ensure its accuracy.
      2. The Treasurer will keep a log of receipts.
      3. Fill out and submit Check Request Forms for reimbursements.
    5. Officers – General
      1. Officers are required to attend at least 80 % of all meetings.
      2. Removal from office shall be accomplished during a regular organization meeting having a quorum present, by the majority vote of those present. If the President is the officer removed, the Vice President shall immediately succeed them. All other officers shall be replaced in the same manner as regular elections.
    1. Recipients of scholarships/awards must be active members of the Wellness Club and recognized.
    2. Recipients must follow the scholarship/award guidelines established by the Taft College financial aid department.
    3. Individual scholarships/awards shall not exceed $300 without administrative permission.
    4. Student scholarships/awards shall be based on exceptional service to the Wellness Club.
    5. The recipient must be actively involved in the Wellness Club and shall be recognized by the club advisor.
    6. The recipient must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and be in good standing with the college and community.
    7. The Advisor shall submit a brief summary of the exceptional service provided to the college by the student nominee.
    8. The Club Advisor and a club scholarship committee will determine the recipient(s) of any scholarships/awards.
    9. Active club leaders/officers shall be granted priority for receiving awards out of the Wellness scholarship/award fund.