October 05, 2023 Meeting



Information/Discussion Items


Attendees   Shelley Getty, Vicki Jacobi, David Mitchell, David Reynolds, Damon Bell, Cecilia Alvarado, Devin Daugherty, Tiffany Payne, Jonathan Farmer, Xiaohong Li, Leslie Minor, Danielle Garza

Information/Discussion Items
  • Approve Minutes from September 2023

Minutes will be edited to clarify the committee’s role in the equity plan last Spring. Minutes were approved by consensus.

  • Election of Faculty Co-Chair

Vicki Jacobi was nominated and elected faculty co-chair. 

  • Committee training: ACT presentation (see attached link) https://custom.cvent.com/D91904C6B27C4AB5B4B093D27CBEFB2F/files/event/9a68abc29da24607ae9c1444d6628849/b67da520260e4ffd865e053f70ccaa77.pdf 

Leslie brought up the presentation and went through the training materials with the group. This training was from a summit from July 2023. The group has the link to review the training in more detail, but Leslie highlighted important slides. 

  • Vision Resource Center: Log in to MyTC, then Vision Resource Center, Learning, Learner Home, Introduction to Strategic Enrollment Management (then "launch")

Leslie brought up the VRC and went over the plan that she and Damon envision for the group. She reviewed that the goal would be a 10–15-page plan. The goal is to have a smaller plan as it is more flexible and not something that will sit on a shelf unread. The SEMP is a tool to plan for growth and disbursement of resources. The group also discussed how the SEMP will work with the Educational Master Plan. The consultant working on the EMP will have projections that the SEMP will also use. The Educational Master Plan is also being written this year, and the plans will work together. 

  • Workgroups

Next meeting the group will break into small workgroups. 

  • Other

Damon will send out 2-3 relevant SEM plans from other colleges for the committee to review prior to the November meeting.