May 18, 2023 Meeting
Members Present: Kevin, Angelo, Myisha, Mark, Abbas, Daniel, Julian, Richard, Cole, Mason
Absent: Heather, Eloisa, Vince, Robin
Recorder: Mason Stepp
- Crime Log
- 3 new incidents from last meeting
- Attempted Burglary – NCA subject left without incident
- Arson (Sandy Creek) – No damage to TC property
- Graffiti – Obscene language on sandy creek bridge; has been repainted
- KCFD would like to do a controlled burn on sandy creek
- 3 new incidents from last meeting
- Commencement Ceremony
- All 6 campus security officers on duty
- 5 officers will be at the stadium
- 1 officer will be patrolling TC campus
- All 6 campus security officers on duty
- Old Business
- Parking Lot Mitigation
- Stop sign to be added at Ash St. and Lot B entrance
- Speed bumps to be added on straightaway & in alley behind Ash Dorms
- Funding for camera project
- CA cut funding for colleges
- Recalls $20 Million; to be paid back spilt over 72 college districts
- New Business
- Schedule & location for future meetings
- 3rd Thursday of each month
- Café conference room
- Email will be sent out regarding committee members availability
- TC Safe App
- Hoping to be available by end of summer
- Schedule & location for future meetings
- Committee Members Ideas
- Add campus security information to student Orientation
- Create video on campus safety protocols & how to contact security
Supporting Docs