April 20, 2023 Meeting
1. Review Crime Log
2. Active Shooter Training in-service
a. Friday, August 18th 12:00 PM — 4:00 PM
3. Updates from committee members
4. Next Meeting: (scheduled for May 18th — day before graduation)
Members Present: Kevin, Angelo, Mason, Daniel, Cole
Members Absent: Myisha, Eloisa, Mark, Abbas, Vince, Julian, Robin, Richard, Heather
Recorder: Mason Stepp
➢ Meeting was called to order at 11:15 AM
➢ Active Shooter Training
I. August 18, 2023
II. One, 4-hour training block
III. Not mandatory
IV. Open to student employees/ASO?
➢ Crime Log
I. 2/23/23 – 3/29/23
II. Graffiti is a rising concern on TC Campus
➢ Other Issues
I. Vandalism to student property is a threat to student morale
II. New camera implementation, Approx: $2,000 per camera, plus monthly cost
III. Speed bumps for campus; widening stop sign at north entrance – Maintenance
➢ Next Meeting
May 18, 2023
➢ Meeting Adjourned at 11:41 AM