September 12, 2014 Meeting


TAFT COLLEGE Governance Council September 12, 2014

12:10 pm – 2:00 pm -Cougar Room

Facilitator: Sharyn Eveland Timekeeper: Velda Pena Recorder: Brandy Young Minutes: Debbie Hegeman

  1. Approval of Minutes from August 29, 2014 Meeting 5 Minutes
  2. Introduction of 2014/15 Student Representative Adam Hightower 5 Minutes
  3. Committee Reports (if any) 10 Minutes

Strategic Planning Committee (Eric Berube) Budget Committee (Brock McMurray) Access Committee (Mark Williams) Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)

  1. Draft Mission, Vision and Values Statement (led by Eric Berube) 30 minutes
  2. Prioritization of Retreat Ideas (led by Dena Maloney) 20 Minutes
  3. Board Goals, Governance Guide and Administrative Procedures 20 Minutes (led by Dena Maloney)
  4. Potential Board Policies for Future Discussion 5 Minutes


Next Meeting: September 26, 2014 Call for Facilitator, Recorder and Timekeeper


Governance Council Minutes September 12, 2014

Members Present: Eric Bérubé, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Bill Devine, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Greg Golling, Adam Hightower, Victoria Jacobi, Dr. Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Peña, Brandy Young and Mark Williams.

Members Absent: Kanoe Bandy, Laura Riss, and Tony Thompson

Facilitator: Sharyn Eveland Recorder: Brandy Young Timekeeper: Velda Peña Minutes: Debbie Hegeman



The minutes of the meeting held August 29, 2014 were approved by consensus.

Sharyn welcomed our newest member for this year, Student Representative Adam Hightower at which time Adam shared his excitement to be a part of the committee. Dena discussed his role and how he can take information back to ASB as his responsibility and bring back suggestions and comments back to the committee. The Council members introduced themselves and Bruce shared some positive comments about Adam.



Strategic Planning Committee (led by Eric Bérubé)

Eric reported the committee met on September 5th where they reviewed the information collected from in-service regarding the Mission, Vision and Values. He announced the SPC has two new members: James May, Instructor and Karen Ziegler, Coordinator of Counseling/Student Success.

Budget Committee (led by Brock McMurray)

Brock reported the committee had not met since the last GC meeting. He shared the proposed budget had been reviewed during the budget session and adopted by the Board during the board meeting which immediately followed on September 10, 2014.

Access Committee Report (led by Mark Williams)

Mark reported the committee hasn’t met yet however their committee membership is almost complete. He distributed a document (included with the official minutes and on the Intranet) outlining the next steps the committee hopes to achieve.

Student Success Committee Report (let by Darcy Bogle)

Darcy reported due to scheduling issues the committee had not met since the last GC meeting. She and Karen Ziegler will be attending a Student Success Conference and Darcy is looking forward to returning with valuable information for the committee.

Draft Mission, Vision and Values Statement (led by Eric Bérubé) Eric distributed the draft for the Vision, Mission and Values (copy attached to the official minutes and located on the Intranet). The SPC reviewed the ideas collected from the in-service breakfast and came up with a draft which Eric shared with the GC. He then asked for comments from the GC.

Comments included:

  • Dena: We have something to build on but feel the proposed Vision is slightly passive and would like more of a proactive Vision.
  • Vicki: The SP_ strived to share T_’s vision in a way that promotes a student’s goal and beyond;
  • Bruce: We need to mention what their specific goal may be.
  • Brock: Reiterated what Eric said at the in-service about the definition of a Vision being what we would like to see in a perfect world.
  • Dena: Suggested language for Vision: All students aim high, and achieve their goals. After all, in a perfect world isn’t that what we want for all our students?
  • Brock: Was the focus on learning or on lifelong learning?
  • Bill: Suggested language for Vision: Taft College creates opportunities for students to achieve their goals.
  • Adam: Wants to clarify that students have other areas to gain success, the Vision it too narrow, only focuses on people who graduate.
  • Mark: Agrees with Adam, it is a bit narrow, it doesn’t address the students that aren’t here; What about the community, how we serve it, how we transform it.
  • Dena: Is this Vision our vision of the college or the vision of what we want for our students? Which direction do we go with this? We need to agree on which direction to take.
  • Darcy: Just keeping in mind that the basis of our vision should be used by our planning, all the feedback should be considered. Have a little more time and listen to a little more feedback. Look at the questions that were brought up today. How is that attached to all the planning on campus?
  • Sharyn: Likes the questions Dena posed. Do we want our vision statement to focus on ourselves or focus on our vision for our students? We need to decide that first in order to move forward.
  • Brandy: Can we do both? Does it have to be one or the other?
  • Vicki: Most Visions are about one sentence long. Believes our vision is how we view the college.
  • Greg: Agrees with Brandy. Go with both.
  • Sharyn: Our perfect world and our values incorporate that. Gave examples of how it would be broken out. Show a perfect picture and then the pieces that make that picture.
  • Bill: On Adam’s idea: Taft College creates opportunities for students to achieve their goals;
  • Adam: Believes that this will allow us to broaden our Mission.
  • Vicki: Stated the California Community College is to provide education< that is their goal; Need to look at the mission of the CCC and align it with ours.
  • Dena: Agrees with Vicki, we are an educational institution, our focus is on that. By participating in Taft College programs, they will achieve their goals.
  • Bruce: Creating an environment that will allow them to achieve their success/goals.
  • Kamala: Suggested language for Vision: Taft College promotes excellence in education, thus enables students to achieve their academic goals.
  • Darcy: Suggested language for Vision: Success for all
  • Eric: The Vision could be an outcome, shifting the focus to students. The Mission describes what we do. Values show what we do to get there.
  • Velda: Our values are representative of what we do and how.
  • Dena and Sherry: We need to use words that show more impact.
  • Dena: Suggested language for Vision: Taft College embodies excellence, leading to success for all.
  • Vicki recommended we table making a decision on the language draft until the SPC has been able to review the comments given today.


Consensus: The Council agreed to table the information and let the SPC review the questions and ideas presented.

Prioritization of Retreat Ideas

Dena described the next steps related to the retreat ideas was to prioritize them within their group. She made two proposals on how to prioritize the ideas created from the retreat. 1) We prioritize the ideas within each sheet under the Student Success heading; 2) We prioritize the entire collection of ideas as a whole using dots and the yellow papers on the board. The Council agreed to do the exercise as a group. Each member was given 5 dots to identify what they felt was most valuable and easy to implement. After the exercise was complete, there were 3 top ideas with a count of 9 votes each. These ideas were from sections 3.4, 2.3, and 8.1. (copy attached to official minutes and on the Intranet) All of the prioritized ideas will go to the Student Success Committee which will continue on the path of developing our Student Success Plan.


Board Goals and Potential Board Policies

Dena discussed the handout (attached to official minutes and on the Intranet) that listed the Boards Goals that was developed at the Board Retreat in August. She pointed out they had added a new goal in Focus Area 2 – Employee Success. “Strengthen processes that foster collegial decision-making, clarify the Board’s role, and implement BP 2510”. She discussed BP 2510 and why it was important for the college to clearly define how shared governance works at Taft College. She has been doing a lot of research and wants to ensure that Taft College has a clear picture of how decision making is implemented. She would like to see a Governance Guide created as well as an AP 2510 and would like the Governance Council to oversee this project.

  • Administrative Procedures
  • Governance Guide
  • Prioritization
  • Good documentation of how all the “pieces fit together”
  • Good working document

Dena suggested we form a task force with representation from Faculty, Classified staff and Administration to work on this project.

Consensus: The council agreed with the request for a task force to oversee the AP 2510 and a Governance Guide.


Potential Board Policies

Dena reported the work has already begun for a policy related to Bullying. Darcy has been working on this from the student prospective and another one may be coming shortly to the GC related to bullying between staff. According to Dena, there haven’t been many new Board Policies in a while so she wanted to make sure the GC knew some would be coming for approval.

NEXT MEETING: September 26, 2014 – 12:10 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Facilitator: Bill Devine Recorder: Greg Golling Timekeeper: Mark Williams

Respectfully Submitted:

Debbie Hegeman