August 22, 2012 Meeting


August 22, 2012
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Cougar Room

Facilitator: Fernando Lara
Recorder: Need a Volunteer
Timekeeper: Sonja Swenson
1. Approval of Minutes of May 11, 2012—5 minutes
2. Vision for Future Education and Facilities Master Plans (Dena Maloney)—20 minutes
3. Prioritized Goals from Last Year’s Program Review Reports (Eric Bérubé)—20 minutes
4. Overview on Program Review Process for this year’s Cycle of Program (Eric Bérubé)—20
5. Review/Distribution of Program Review Materials (Eric Bérubé)—10 minutes
6. Update on Midterm Report (Eric Bérubé)—10 minutes
7. Update on Fall 2012 SLO Report (Vicki Herder)—20 minutes
8. Budget Update (Ron Errea)—10 minutes
Next Meeting: TBD



GOVERNANCE COUNCIL MEETING Minutes of the Meeting Held August 22, 2012 8:10 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Members Present: Kanoe Bandy, Patti Bench, Kamala Carlson, Debra Ekdahl, Ron Errea, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Sandi Graham, Fernando Lara, Velda Long, Brock McMurray, Dena Maloney, Sonja Swenson, and Tony Thompson
Members Absent: Jim Nicholas
Guests: Barbara Amerio, Brandi Cramer, Eric Bérubé, Val Garcia, Vicki Herder, and Debra Wooley
Facilitator: Recorder: Timekeeper: Fernando Lara Patti Bench Sonja Swenson

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held May 11, 2012 were approved by consensus. It was noted that the decision to have a meeting June 7, 2012 as recorded in the minutes did not occur due to the decision of the co-chairs.

It was also requested to include and list action items from the previous meeting’s minutes on the new agenda.


Vision for Future Education and Facilities Master Plans

(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent & Co-Chair)

Dena discussed the important link between the District’s Facilities Master Plan and the Educational Master Plan and the importance of tying the two together. She stated tying the two plans together would help line-up the types of facilities and instructional space with the needs of the District’s educational programs. The District needs to be evaluating future space needs regarding labs, classrooms, meeting space, and student and support services space to meet our future needs. Currently, Brock along with AP Architects and the Facilities Committee are addressing these needs and assisting in this process regarding Measure A funds. Dena stated the District needs a long term view and plan based on data and campus and community-wide input. The District also needs to evaluate current facilities and determine what is and isn’t working for the needs of the District before moving forward with new plans. She suggested that a task-force be organized to work with the Facilities Committee to assist the District in plan for the future to meet educational and student needs. Below are members who volunteered to serve on the task-force along with Dena:

  1. Sonja Swenson
  2. Debra Ekdahl
  3. Val Garcia


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  1. Facilities Committee Members

Dena asked if there were other individuals interested on working on this project to please contact Brock McMurray.

Prioritized Goals from Last Year’s Program Review Reports

(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

Eric distributed a handout titled “Prioritization Worksheet Fall 2012” (copy attached to official minutes). In May 2012, goals requesting resources were ranked first by leads, then by Division Chairs, and finally by the Vice Presidents. The “Prioritization Worksheet Fall 2012” identifies the program goals by department and lists the goals in order of highest importance to lowest importance. Eric stated complete copies of program goals are also on the website for review. The Budget Committee has been given this list to review the associated costs and availability of funds for these goals. The Budget Committee will present their work back to the Governance Council.

Eric also distributed a recommended ranking scale to be utilized to rank the order of all submitted annual program goals. It was noted in a past Governance Council meeting held on November 18, 2012, the Governance Council accepted by consensus to use the Mt. San Jacinto College model titled “Prioritization Allocation Rubric (PAR) 2011” as a template in ranking recommended annual program goals.

Action Items: Ref: Prioritization Allocation Rubric (PAR) 2011 (Mt. San Jacinto College model)

  • Distribute a copy of the MSJC Rubric to all members
  • Review and bring up any concerns to the next meeting
  • Set a deadline for ranking program goals consistent with the budget cycle


*Agenda Item: Review the “Prioritization Allocation Rubric (PAR) 2011” (Mt. San Jacinto College

Model) which was accepted by the Governance Council by consensus at the

November 18, 2011 meeting.

Update on Midterm Report

(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

The District is required to write a Midterm Report addressing the recommendation by the ACCJC which is due in October 2012. The following recommendations that put the District on warning have been addressed:

  • Development of a Code of Ethics – complete
  • Substantive Change for Distance Learning –complete
  • Development of a Program Review Process – complete
  • Development of a Strategic Planning Process – complete
  • Development of SLOs – majority of SLOs developed for the Districts courses and programs

Currently, Vick Herder, SLO Coordinator, is working on a proficiency report which will also be included in the Midterm Report due October 2012. The District needs to demonstrate

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sustainability or could possibly risk being put on warning by the ACCJC. Once the report is completed, it will be presented to the GC and the Board of Trustees for approval.

Update on Fall 2012 SLO Report

(Led by Vicki Herder, SLO Coordinator)

Vicki stated the District has a good foundation for sustainability regarding SLOs. The process is in place and our progress is on-going. At the course-level, Vicki stated 81%of SLOs have been written and 66% have had assessments. Also, a total of 76 programs have SLOs. Vicki stated student and support services activities still need to develop SLOs. The District has identified five institutional outcomes. Vicki stated the District is currently standing at 85% proficient and 15% left in development of SLOs. There is still work to be done and on-going communication needs to be taking place at Division Chair meeting, in-service, and any other opportunities regarding the importance of SLO to the District as a whole. Continuing work is being done to involve adjunct in the SLO development process such as virtual training. Vicki is currently working on finalizing the report gathering documentation, evidence, and comprehensive reports which demonstrate accomplishment of SLOs and understanding of SLOs. GC members recommended to Vicki to focus on the positive achievements regarding the District’s progress when addressing the sustainability status.

Action Items:

  • Vicki will send a list to lead persons and Division Chairs identifying what courses and programs need to submit SLOs and assessments.
  • Vicki will email the Fall 2012 SLO Report to all GC members for review.

Review/Distribution of Program Review Materials

(Led by Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

Eric provided the GC members a folder of program review materials to be utilized for “Planning Days” scheduled during in-service. Each packet contained the following:

  • “How To” Guide 2012-2012
  • Strategic Plan: 2011-2016
  • Instructions on How to Identify and Write Non-Instructional Program Effectiveness Measures
  • CD containing the above documents in an electronic format including statistical data for courses and SLOs


Eric stated the “Instructions on How to Identify and Write Non-Instructional Program Effectiveness Measures” is a new guide this year. Non-Instructional programs need to collect real data to which measures their program’s effectiveness. In the past, surveys had been used to measure non-instructional programs but this is no longer sufficient to meet the accreditation standards.

Eric and his team are available to assist any department with the annual program review process.

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Budget Update

(Led by Ron Errea, Vice President of Administrative Services)

Ron announced the state passed the budget. The effects on California Community Colleges are as follows:

  • Current funding structure retained
  • Rejected Governor’s proposal regarding block grants
  • CCCs would not be held accountable for projection of property taxes

Ron stated the State budget is complex and unsettled. If the Tax Initiative fails we are looking at an exposure of $1,128,000 which is a 7.3% workload reduction. The District continues to wait to see what challenges we may face in November.

Ron stated the District’s tentative budget was approved in June and staff is currently working on the permanent budget. He announced a budget workshop will occur Thursday to fine-tune the numbers and will present the final budget for approval to the Board of Trustees in September 2012. Tentatively the budget reflects the following:

  • $19.4 million of income
  • $20 million of expenditures
  • $630,000 loss or gap


The year-end loss if Proposition 30 fails is a net decrease of $1,393,000. The Board of Trustees has instructed the District to identify $500,000 in savings regardless of the result of Proposition 30. Bargaining teams are currently working on this challenge.


Meeting dates for the GC will remain as scheduled on the campus-wide schedule which is the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month. However, the meeting on 2nd Friday of the month will be determined as needed by the GC or co-chairs. It was also asked to place the sub-committee reports of the Strategic Planning and Budget Committee on the agenda for each meeting.

*Agenda Items: Strategic Planning and Budget Committee Reports/Updates

Next Meeting: Friday, August 31, 2012 at 12 p.m. in the Cougar Room.

Facilitator: Sharyn Eveland Recorder: Kanoe Bandy Timekeeper: Sonja Swenson Minutes: Velda Long

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The meeting was adjourned at 2 p.m. Respectfully Submitted:

Melissa Blanco, Secretary