April 28, 2021 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda Wednesday, April 28, 2021

  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of Minutes from March meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. TCFCBC Update
    1. Post Evaluation Form Change to include “*This signature indicates that the faculty member and evaluator, together, discussed this Evaluation. It does not necessarily denote reciprocal agreement with all factors of the evaluation.”
    2. 50% Law
    3. Teaching Dual Enrollment courses F2F at TUHS
  5. Nominations for TCFCBC Team
  6. Officer Nominations for 2020-21
  7. TCFA Scholarships for 2020-21: $3600 approved via email

6. Other

Next Meeting: Tentatively, August 17, 2021(Fall inservice), 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Unsure if lunch will be provided but if able we will try)


Taft College Faculty Association Minutes

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


  1. Welcome

President Payne welcomed faculty to the meeting.


  1. Approval of Minutes from March meeting

Correction of the minutes was made to indicate that CTA no longer issues bi-yearly dues, instead the increase in funds was due to monthly due payment receipt.

A motion to approve the minutes with correction was made by D. Mitchell with a 2nd from G. Golling. The motion was approved.


  1. Treasurer’s Report
    Treasurer, D. Mitchell, reported an overall balance of $12,970.75 before scholarship awards.


  2. a) Post Evaluation Form Change to include “*This signature indicates that the faculty member and evaluator, together, discussed this Evaluation. It does not necessarily denote reciprocal agreement with all factors of the evaluation.”
    Consensus was reached during bargaining to update Post Evaluation for to include the sentence:

This signature indicates that the faculty member and evaluator, together, discussed this Evaluation. It does not necessarily denote reciprocal agreement with all factors of the evaluation to the signature lines of all evaluation forms.

Motion for approval of additional language was made by N. Calhoon with 2nd by J. Rangel-Escobedo. Motion was approved.

  1. b) 50% Law
    President Payne updated the faculty that the report from B. McMurray had not been provided at the meeting. McMurray requested additional time to prepare and present the information to the team. Topic to be continued.
  2. c) Teaching Dual Enrollment courses F2F at TUHS
    President Payne updated the faculty on Administration’s interest in creating a dual enrollment program with TUHS where faculty would teach on the TUHS campus. A subcommittee was formed that included L. Minor, R. Payne, and G. Golling. A brief sub-committee meeting was held to come up with a list of questions or issues related to this proposal in preparation for the bargaining process.  Various faculty shared their points of concerns and all faculty were invited to email Ruby if any additional comments or questions arose after this meeting.


5) Nominations for TCFCBC Officers

President Payne opened the floor for TCFCBC officer nominations.

  • Greg nominated Ruby Payne for President.  The nomination was accepted by Ruby Payne.  No other nominations were put forwarded, Ruby Payne was elected by acclamation.
  • David Mitchell nominated Greg Golling for Vice President.  The nomination was accepted by Greg Golling. No other nominations were put forwarded, Greg Golling was elected by acclamation.
  • Christopher Flachmann nominated Juana Escobedo for Secretary.  The nomination was accepted by Juana Escobedo. No other nominations were put forwarded, Juana Escobedo was elected by acclamation.
  • Diane Jones nominated David Mitchell for Treasurer.  The nomination was accepted by David Mitchell. No other nominations were put forwarded, David Mitchell was elected by acclamation.


6) Nominations for TCFCBC Team

President Payne opened the floor for TCFCBC team member nominations for terms ending for

David Mitchell and Christopher Flachmann.

  • David Mitchell was nominated by Mike Mayfield.  The nomination by David Mitchell was accepted.
  • Christopher Flachmann was nominated by Juana Escobedo.  The nomination by Christopher Flachmann was accepted.
  • Tina Mendoza was nominated by Jennifer Altenhoffel. The nomination by Tina Mendoza was accepted.


Since there were 3 nominations for 2 vacancies, President Payne indicated that she would email all Faculty Association members a ballot with a return date of May 7, 2021.  Results of the election of TCFCBC Team member would be announced at the next Faculty Association meeting.


7) TCFA Scholarships for 2020-21: $3600 approved via email

  1. Rangel- Escobedo shared the selection of the Faculty Association Scholarship recipients and thanked the selection committee members N. Calhoon, D. Bogle, and R. Polski for participation in the selection process.


Student Family Members Major/Career Amount
Abygail Olejnik (3.5)   Elementary Teacher 400
Alondra Cisneros (3.6)   science professor 400
Aneri Patel (3.7)   high school guidance counselor 400
Julianna Escobedo (4.0) Juana Rangel-Escobedo   500
Kayleen Brown (3.22) Jill Brown   500
Nicholas Ernesto Castillo (3.83)   high school English teacher. 475
Samantha Lynn Craig (3.99)   college professor 475
Victoria Vadnais (3.82)   instructor of Dental Hygiene 450
     Total 3600


8) Other

President Payne shared faculty concerns regarding the student worker budget removal for the 21-22 academic year and shared that she had been included in the communication and requested all emails regarding this go to President Daniels and cc Leslie and herself.

President Payne shared on behalf of the Faculty Senate that additional volunteers were needed for hiring committees.  Faculty were encouraged to respond to requests.

President Payne shared the May In-service details and plans were being finalized for 2 tracks with pending confirmation of live sessions and SISC sessions.  VPI, L. Minor approved that faculty could opt to participate in both proposed tracks for a maximum of 6 units or 48 hours of Flex time with a write-up due by June 3, 2021.  President Payne encouraged faculty to take advantage of this opportunity.

President Payne shared a new process for electing either a yearly or monthly payment of overload would be included in the annual notice provided by faculty by May 10, 2021.

Professor Payne shared that a communication regarding issuing of EW’s was emailed by Dean W. Martinez and VPI, L. Minor with guidance for instructors.

Motion to adjourn was made by S. Lytle with a 2nd by J. Althenhoffel.

Meeting adjourned at 12:59pm.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 19, 2020, 12:10pm, Zoom 93911619851 PW 313830

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