May 22, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from April meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. SLO Coordinator Compensation (2nd reading at May Board Mtg., approved)
    2. Security Cameras Policy contract language (1st reading at June Board Mtg.)
    3. Additional club advisor stipends (1st reading at June Board Mtg.)
    4. Program Lead compensation
    5. Faculty evaluation procedures
    6. Compensation 2019-20


  1. Officers for 2019-20


President               Ruby Payne

Vice-President          Greg Golling

Secretary               Juana Rangel-Escobedo

Treasurer               Mike Mayfield

Bargaining Team     Ruby Payne (Pres.)

Greg Golling (VP)

Juana Rangel-Escobedo (term expires 2020)

Mike Mayfield (term expires 2020)

David Mitchell (term expires 2021)

Chris Flachmann (term expires 2021)

Joe’ll Chaidez (term expires 2022)


  1. Graduation


  1. President’s Conference


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: TBD (Fall inservice), 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes for May 22, 2019


Welcome & Introductions

President Jones welcomed faculty.


Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Deborah Rodenhauser with a 2nd from Bill Devine. The motion was unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer, Mike Mayfield, reported an overall balance of $6114.69 excluding payment for today’s lunch and retirement chair purchase. Dues check pending.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Coordinator Compensation

President Jones shared SLO compensation and job description had its 2nd board reading in May.

Security Cameras Policy and Contract Language
President Jones updated the faculty that the security camera policy was ratified via email with 8 no votes. President Jones apologized for the need to vote electronically, but noted the importance adding language to the faculty contract. MOU is scheduled to have a 1st reading in the June Board Meeting.


Additional Club Advisor Stipends

President Jones shared that an increase to 11 district supported Club Advisor stipends available effective the 2019-2020 academic year was ratified via email with 1-No vote. MOU is scheduled to have a 1st reading in the June Board Meeting.

Program Lead Compensation

President Jones shared that the Governance Council discussed this topic during the May 2019 meeting. The Governance Council clarified roles and responsibilities. In order to provide additional clarity and context, the current APR “Lead” was renamed to “Contact” to allow Division Chair, Administrator or Manager to delegate when appropriate.

Faculty Evaluation Process

President Jones updated the faculty that the evaluation sub-committee concluded the form review /updates which included the addition of the distance learning evaluation and a clear list of deadlines for all participants in the process. President Jones thanked the faculty for recommendations and feedback on the forms. A motion by Mike Mayfield with a 2nd by David Layne was unanimously approved updated forms that included clarified procedures and distance education evaluation.

This topic is scheduled to continue as there have been expressed interests by administration and LSD for possible changes to current evaluation process and forms.


President Jones shared that the May bargaining meeting included a discussion of faculty compensation. The interest of the faculty was to continue the District practice of passing on the COLA that was projected at 3.26% during the May revise. Administration indicated uncertainty about the funding formula and 2018-19 actual allocations.

Although it was both the interest of the faculty and administration to avoid the retro pay process for the Business Office, it was mutually agreed that the topic would be reintroduced at the August bargaining meeting.


Officers for 2019-2020


President                            Ruby Payne

Vice-President                   Greg Golling

Secretary                           Juana Rangel-Escobedo

Treasurer                           Mike Mayfield

Bargaining Team

  •  Ruby Payne (Pres.)
  •  Greg Golling (VP)
  •  Juana Rangel-Escobedo (term expires 2020)
  •  Mike Mayfield (term expires 2020)
  • David Mitchell (term expires 2021)
  • Chris Flachmann (term expires 2021)
  • Joe’ll Chaidez (term expires 2022)


President Jones reminded the faculty that participation in the graduation ceremony is a required 2-hour time commitment. In the event that a faculty member was unable to participate, then PNL time could be used. Although rain was not projected for the ceremony, the district has a contingency plan that includes moving the ceremony into the TUHS gym.


President’s Conference

President Jones shared that Ruby Payne was scheduled to participate in the annual conference in July. A motion was made by Sharyn Eveland with a 2nd from Julian Martinez, to approve up to $500 if needed to cover any unmet expenses from the chapter grant and CCA payment.



President Jones reminded faculty that participation in summer screening committees by faculty that were non-contracted during the summer were eligible for adjunct pay for hours of participation.

President Jones encouraged faculty to participate in May in-service opportunities that allow up to 5 units of salary advancement or banked unit advancement.

Joy Reynold shared that this is a great time of the year to make or increase TSA contributions.

Darcy Bogle encouraged faculty members to support the Hall of Fame scholarship by purchasing student medallions from the bookstore. Ten dollars of the $19.99 cost is donated to the scholarship fund.


Meeting adjourned at 11:49pm.


Next Meeting: TBD (Fall inservice), 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided)

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