May 16, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from April meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Work Experience Classes Compensation
    2. Health Benefits
    3. Compensation 2018-19


  1. Officers for 2018-19


President               Diane Jones

Vice-President          Ruby Payne

Secretary               Jessica Grimes

Treasurer               Mike Mayfield

Bargaining Team     Diane Jones (Pres.)

Ruby Payne (VP)

Joe’ll Chaidez (term expires 2019)

Jessica Grimes (term expires 2020)

Mike Mayfield (term expires 2020)

Greg Golling (term expires 2021)

Adam Bledsoe (term expires 2021)


  1. Graduation


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes for May 16, 2018

Approval of Minutes

Mike Mayfield made a motion to approve the minutes, and Julian Martinez seconded this motion, which was unanimously carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Mike Mayfield reported a balance of $9,684.31 before lunch and the scholarship donation.

Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

a). Work Experience Classes Compensation:

President Jones thanked Dr. Vicki Jacobi and Tori Furman for providing information and the subcommittee of Joe’ll Chaidez, Diane Jones, and Dr. Deb Daniels for its work. Based on the information, the District has agreed to pay these classes in the following way: the Adjunct Overload rate x 3-hour x the number of students at the Census Date. Compensation also includes mileage. This item will go into effect in the fall semester of 2018. President Jones clarified that faculty will still qualify for sick leave. Tori Furman made a motion to approve, seconded by Dr. Greg Golling. The motion was approved unanimously.

b). Health Benefits:

President Jones reported that after a robust discussion, the bargaining team reached consensus for two plans: Plan-D ($20-copay, $9-generic/$35-brand name prescription with a $300/$600 deductible) or Plan-G ($20-copay, $5-generic/$-20 brand name prescription with a $500/$1,000 deductible). Both plans still include the same benefits for vision and dental. If the entire District switches to this plan, it will be a savings of $300,000. In addition, any retiree under 65 will switch to the new plans. Under the new plans, members will still have the option to get free prescriptions through Cosco without purchasing a membership. However, faculty will still have the option of buying up to the current plan at approximately $100/month.

Faculty were encouraged to write their questions down since Armando will be here to answer questions. Also, faculty were encouraged to use the flex spending account that has a cap of $2,000 to save toward a deductible since the money for the deductible is immediately available. However, if you don’t spend it, you lose it. The new HR director will be disseminating more information about health benefits.

Mike Mayfield made a motion to approve the new health benefits plans. Dr. Greg Golling seconded the motion, with one opposing the motion. The motion carried. This item will go into effect on October 1st.

c). Compensation 2018-2019:

President Jones reported that the COLA came in at 2.7%, but the May Revise budget indicated the new funding formula that looks promising. Since the Administration requested to revisit the COLA question, it will be tabled until August.

Officers for 2018-2019

President Jones reported that next year is her last year as president, and Ruby Payne has agreed to shadow her. She listed the officers and bargaining team members for the next academic year:

President                         Diane Jones

Vice-President                Ruby Payne

Secretary                          Jessica Grimes

Treasurer                         Mike Mayfield

Bargaining Team

Diane Jones (Pres.)

Ruby Payne (VP)

Joe’ll Chaidez (term expires 2019)

Jessica Grimes (term expires 2020)

Mike Mayfield (term expires 2020)

Greg Golling (term expires 2021)

Adam Bledsoe (term expires 2021)


President Jones reported that the graduation is a 2-hour commitment and that faculty can use PNL if they are unable to attend.


President Jones congratulated Debora Rodenhauser for being selected by EOPS for the outstanding faculty member award.

President Jones mentioned that Dr. Daniels has agreed to allow faculty to earn 3-units during in-service and flex credit. If you do one track for the 3-units, you can also get flex credit if you do the webinars as well.

She also mentioned that since this is the first year that the faculty association president has received the increased stipend, and since she has served in that capacity for 11 years, she will be receiving that compensation for the 2018-19 year.


The meeting adjourned at 12:35 pm.

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