March 28, 2012 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from February meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Accreditation Liaison Officer
    2. Adjunct Faculty compensation for revising course outlines
    3. Frey Language Update
    4. Earning Sick Leave Credit for Overload Assignment Update
    5. District Budget


  1. Spring CCA Conference April 27 – 29, 2012


  1. Benefit Highlight – NEA Auto Purchase Advantage

NEA Benefits on Facebook & Twitter


  1. Paycheck Deception Initiative 2012


  1. Taft College Foundation


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of March 28, 2012


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:14 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the February 29 meeting were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that the current balance in the association account is $6532.33.



President Diane Jones congratulated Athletic Director Kanoe Bandy for her achievements and recognition. She also congratulated Shelley Getty, Jessica Grimes, David Layne, and Ruby Payne for attaining tenure.


Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

Accreditation Liaison Officer

President Diane Jones reported that consensus was reached in our last TCFCBC meeting to add the position of Accreditation Liaison Officer to the extra duty page of our contract. Compensation for this 12 month position will be three units of overload each for fall, spring and summer terms. Eric Bérubé has been performing these duties since 2007 when then Vice-President of Instruction Henry Yong delegated this portion of his job description to Eric. The consensus agreement includes retroactive pay to July 1, 2009. A motion was presented by Tony Thompson and seconded by Dave Berry to ratify this consensus agreement. Ratified Unanimously


Adjunct Faculty Compensation for Revising Course Outlines

President Diane Jones reported that this issue was addressed in our last TCFCBC meeting. Recent internal job announcements for revision of course outlines of record (COR) in an adjunct capacity contained varying levels of compensation. A consensus was reached to compensate COR revision in an adjunct capacity three hours for a minor revision and five hours for a major revision or for creating a new COR. The Department Chair and VP of Instruction will decide if a revision is minor or major. A motion was presented by Sharyn Eveland and seconded by Kelly Kulzer to ratify the consensus agreement. Ratified Unanimously


Frey Language Update

President Diane Jones reported that she and Craig Johnson gave a presentation on the Frey Report to the Board of Trustees during closed session on March 8th. The Board approved the revised contract language and you should see the 1.8% salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2011 in your March paycheck. Craig Johnson stated that it is important to note that we did not negotiate a raise, this 1.8 % increase is the result of a contractual obligation attempting to keep our salaries at the state median.


Earning Sick Leave Credit for Overload Assignment

President Diane Jones reported that this was also approved in the March Board of Trustees meeting. Instructional Assistant to the Vice President Denice McCauley is running a report to show overload sick hours accumulated, but don’t expect that until August. Diane reminded members to keep track of their own hours.



President Diane Jones reminded the Association that the budget is an ever changing target. Admin has asked the bargaining unit to give ideas on where to cut in our next TCFCBC meeting. Diane pointed out that the budget forecasts contain some inaccuracies that we need to address, we have already cut 18% in course offerings, and our budgets and student worker hours have also been reduced. We are not planning on any major changes until we see cuts in another areas on campus.


Spring CCA Conference April 27-29, 2012

President Diane Jones reported that she and Treasurer Ruby Payne will be attending this conference again this year. CCA will pay for part of this, but she asked the Association to authorize up to $400 each for the conference. A reporting of total expenses will be presented to the Association following the conference. A motion was presented by Craig Johnson and seconded by Sonja Swenson to approve this request. Approved Unanimously


Benefit Highlight – NEA Auto Purchase Advantage

President Diane Jones reported that this benefit exists. Other NEA benefits can be discovered via Facebook and Twitter.


Paycheck Deception Initiative 2012.

President Diane Jones distributed a CTA Fact Sheet on this Measure. CTA is recommending a No vote, but Diane encouraged members to get educated and vote.


Taft College Foundation

President Diane Jones reminded the Association that we can contribute to a variety of scholarship, and other, funds through payroll deduction. If you choose to do this, please shoot Diane an email stating that you contribute to the foundation (no monetary details) so she can report the number of faculty donating



Kelly Kulzer thanked anybody working with health benefits. Her child recently received $71,000 in health care from Children’s Hospital with no out of pocket expense.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:44 pm.

Supporting Docs