May 15, 2019 Meeting



March 15, 2019

3:00 Counseling Conference Room


  1. Approve April minutes
  2. AB 705 Evaluation Plan
  • Are we the right group to do this? (cont’d from April)
  • Look at charter, and if appropriate, make a recommendation to Academic Senate.
  1. Tutoring in transfer level courses (Spring 2019 vs. Spring 2018)
  2. 2019-2020 Basic Skills/ SEAP Budget
  3. Annual Program Review
  4. Review/ Evaluate Performance



March 15, 2019

3:00 Counseling Conference Room

Members present: Lori Sundgren, Danielle Kerr, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez, Janis Mendenhall

Absent: Dr. Windy Martinez, Kent Miller


  1. Approve April minutes

Kamala approved, Danielle seconded.

  1. AB 705 Evaluation Plan
  • Are we the right group to do this? (cont’d from April)
  • Look at charter, and if appropriate, make a recommendation to Academic Senate.

Nothing to act on currently until we a) know more about the evaluation plan and b) have a Director of Institutional Research. ADC will have questions for the new IR Director in terms of AB 705 evaluation.

  1. Tutoring in transfer level courses (Spring 2019 vs. Spring 2018)

Lori brought Tutor Trac data for the first 10 weeks of Spring 2018 and 2019. Data is for English and Math, transfer level and below. Committee would like to look at incentivized vs. not incentivized, as well as success rates. Joe’ll said that there is a report created in Cognos that may be useful.

  1. 2019-2020 Basic Skills/ SEAP Budget

Budget will be used for staffing and infrastructure, especially in the PDC. There is also money for professional development.

  1. Annual Program Review

Brandy had asked if the name of the Basic Skills APR will change. Lori had asked Leslie, who recommended one final report before “sunsetting.” Not sure who has final say (Academic Senate, Governance Council, etc.).  Committee recommends asking Geoffrey.

  1. Review/ Evaluate Performance

Two comments were, “This committee is productive” and “This committee is organized.”

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