Utility Cart Safety Guidelines
After reviewing this document, proceed to the form (Campus Safety | Utility Vehicle Safety (taftcollege.edu)) to complete the safety form.
Safety Guidelines
- Physically check behind the vehicle before backing up, rather than relying solely on mirrors or memory.
- Securely fasten any loaded cargo or tools in the vehicle.
- Back up at a slow speed.
- Remain seated and hold on while the vehicle is in motion, and use seatbelts if available.
- Alert passengers about upcoming turns or bumps.
- Exercise caution and adjust your speed according to the prevailing conditions, especially during inclement weather.
- Adhere to the campus speed limits: 10 MPH on asphalt and 5 MPH on concrete.
- Exercise extreme caution during turns, blind corners, backing, and in parking lots, main roadways, and crowded areas.
- Always yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
- Avoid attempting to pass through narrow passages or tight spaces, particularly in parking lots. When in doubt, choose another route.
- Keep all limbs inside the vehicle until it has come to a complete stop.
- District vehicles without a license plate and current registration cannot be driven on city streets, except for crossing at a 90-degree angle.
- Stay vigilant for potholes, dips, and uneven surfaces.
- Maintain constant awareness of pedestrians and other vehicles, particularly in parking lots, crosswalks, and main roadways.
- Do not exceed the vehicle's capacity by overloading it with passengers or cargo.
- Engage the parking brake or turn the ignition to the off position and take the keys when parking.
- Immediately report any maintenance issues, such as faulty brakes, leaks, or worn tires, to your departmental supervisor.
- Cease using the utility vehicle if any safety systems are not functioning properly.
- Report any accidents promptly to Campus Safety and your supervisor.
- Refrain from engaging in horseplay and always prioritize safe driving.
- Never text while driving; if necessary to use a cell phone, pull over and come to a complete stop.
- Use District vehicles solely for Taft College- related business within the campus vicinity.
- Exercise extra caution when traveling on main roadways within the campus area, be mindful of surrounding street vehicles, and use traffic controls and designated crossings whenever available. Remove any obstructions obstructing your view of oncoming traffic.
- Securely store any vehicle that will be unattended for longer than a few hours.