April 27, 2016 Meeting


Taft College Faculty Association Agenda

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


  1. Welcome and Lunch


  1. Approval of Minutes from March meeting


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. TCFCBC Update
    1. Retiree Health Benefits for New Hires (2nd reading of MOU at Apr. Board Mtg. – approved)
    2. Adjunct Clarification Language Related to Article 6 (1st reading of MOU at Apr. Board Mtg.)
    3. Contract Language for Professional Development Hours for Adjunct Professors
    4. Addition of Head Men’s/Women’s Golf Coach Stipends & Men’s Women’s Assistant Golf Coach Stipends to Extra-Duty page of Faculty Salary Schedule
    5. Sick Leave for Non-Teaching Overload Assignments


  1. Officer Nominations for 2016-17


  1. TCFA Scholarship for 2015-16


Graduating Students $600 Awards Continuing Applicants    $200 Awards
Justin Lopez Eric Maldonado
Aimee Gee Anaiz Gonzalez
Jessica Ursua Jessica Garcia
Lizbeth Figueroa Maria Del Carmen
Brooke Oscarman Oscar Nuno


  1. Other


  1. Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 12:10pm, Location: Cougar Room (Lunch will be provided) (Every 4th Wednesday)


Taft College Faculty Association

Minutes of April 27, 2016


Call to Order

President Diane Jones called the meeting to order at 12:11 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Adam Bledsoe made a motion, seconded by Jennifer Altenhofel, to approve the minutes of the March 30 meeting. Minutes were approved as presented.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Ruby Payne reported that the balance in the association account is $10,222.69 before today’s lunch.

Taft College Faculty Collective Bargaining Committee (TCFCBC) Update

Retiree health benefits

President Diane Jones reported that following a second reading in the April meeting, the Board of Trustees approved our memorandum of understanding (MOU) and it will become part of our contract.


Adjunct Clarification Language Related to Article 6

President Diane Jones reported that an MOU of this language experienced its 1st reading in the April meeting. It will go back for a second reading and potential vote in May.


Contract language for professional development hours for Adjunct Professors

President Diane Jones reported that this issue was discussed in the last TCFCBC meeting. A draft of Article concerning this language was put forth for a vote on a motion by Tori Furman and seconded by Mike Mayfield. All members present voted in favor of the language with no opposition or abstention.


Addition of Head Men’s/Women’s Golf Coach Stipends & Men’s/Women’s Assistant Golf Coach Stipends to Extra-Duty page of Faculty Salary Schedule

President Diane Jones reported an informational item regarding the addition of Men’s and Women’s Golf teams beginning in 2016/17. Stipends for these coaches and assistant coaches will be added to the extra duty page.


Sick Leave for Non-Teaching Overload Assignments

President Diane Jones reported that overload sick leave had been negotiated for teaching faculty about 3-4 years ago, but we did not have counseling faculty that were teaching overload at the time. It was reported that the VP of Student Services, but not the VP of Instruction, has been following this for counselors. A motion to approve the item was made by Sharyn Eveland and seconded by Tori Furman. All members present voted in favor with not opposition or abstention.


Officer Nominations for 2016-17

President Diane Jones began the process of nominations for TC Faculty Association Officers.


Position                        Nominee(s)


President                        Diane Jones


Vice-President                        Mike Mayfield


Secretary                        Michelle Oja

Jessica Grimes



Treasurer                        Ruby Payne


Bargaining Team            Joe’ll Chaidez

Michelle Oja


Ballots will be sent out later in the week to approve the positions of Secretary and the Open 3-year term.


TCFA Scholarships for 2015-16

President Diane Jones reported that the TCFA Scholarship committee had recommended the following students for awards:


Graduating Students ($600) – Justin Lopez, Aimee Gee, Jessica Ursua, Lizbeth Figeroa, and Brooke Oscarman

Continuing Students ($200) – Eric Maldonado, Anaiz Gonzalez, Jessica Garcia, Maria Del Carmen, and Oscar Nuno


One item brought forth by the committee yearly carry-over monies and the possibility of using these funds for alternate students. After a robust discussion it was recommended to leave the process as is and continue to roll the money over to the following year. To ease the administration of these funds a motion was put forth by Brian Jean, seconded by Sharyn Eveland, to have a 1-year expiration date on the unclaimed scholarship monies. All members present voted in favor of the motion with no opposition or abstention.



President Diane Jones mentioned that there would be a representative from the Chancellor’s Office coming to TC to discuss Inmate Education. Next week is Faculty Appreciation Week with several ASB activities and Flacco’s Tacos!!! Joe’ll Chaidez reported that the Tuition Committee will have a proposal ready for the next TCFA meeting.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 pm.

Supporting Docs