March 6, 2019 Meeting



March 6, 2019

3:00  S-11 

  1. Approve February minutes
  2. Go over notes/observations from orientation video-Joe’ll
  3. Continue Guided Pathways Trello work-Joe’ll
  4. Guided Self Placement-Joe’ll
  5. Fall scheduling (Math and English)- Diane, Kamala, Danielle
  6. Building Bridges-Kamala, Danielle
  7. California Acceleration Project Conference-Joe’ll, Lori



March 6, 2019

3:00  S-11

Members Present: Lori Sundgren, Danielle Kerr, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez, Janis Mendenhall, Diane Jones

Absent: Dr. Windy Martinez, Kent Miller, Celina Aldaco

Guests: Geoffrey Dyer

  1. Approve February minutes
    • Diane approved. Joe’ll seconded.
  1. Go over notes/observations from orientation video-Joe’ll
    • Committee shared notes from the orientation video, which each member watched ahead of the meeting. Joe’ll will draft a letter to send to Severo and Windy with our recommendations. This is part of Guided Pathways.
  1. Continue Guided Pathways Trello work-Joe’ll
    • Joe’ll has been making notes on the Trello board. He showed us his updates. ADC has completed the Guided Pathways Trello board that was assigned to us.
  1. Guided Self Placement-Joe’ll
    • Darcy, Joe’ll, and Jason Zsiba have been working on Guided Self Placement for the website. They are using the state guidelines.  The goal is to finish before the catalog due date in April.
  1. Fall scheduling (Math and English)- Diane, Kamala, Danielle
    • Kamala and Diane shared Math and English Fall 2019 scheduling information. English will have one face to face and one online 1000 section for summer. Fall will have multiple sections of 1000, which will be the lowest level offered.  Math has cut 14 sections (63 units) for the 2019 calendar year. There will be one section of 230 and one section of 240.
  1. Building Bridges-Kamala, Danielle
    • Sarah, Windy, Nicole, and Kamala all presented. Danielle set up and decorated. The Basic Skills/ SEAP budget sponsored $2000.
  1. California Acceleration Project Conference-Joe’ll, Lori
    • Did not get to.